Why Shouldn’t You Let Your Baby Sleep In The Car Seat?

It is perfectly normal for a baby to fall asleep as soon as the car starts to roll. However, car seats are designed to keep babies safe, not sleep. Therefore, one must be very careful when a baby falls asleep in these conditions.

After you have tried by all means to put your baby to sleep, you are in despair and do not know what to do. So you get in the car and take a walk and there, the miracle happens: he fell asleep. You can’t believe it. Even if you are glad you did, you wonder if it is recommended to let him sleep in the car seat.

So, you get home and after he has finally fallen asleep, of course it doesn’t occur to you to take him out of the car seat. You would rather him continue to sleep in it, rather than wake him up again. The question arises again in your head, does it make sense to let him sleep in the car seat?

If this situation sounds familiar to you, reading this article will be very helpful.

Why do babies fall asleep in cars?

baby sleeping in car seat

The cradle and atmosphere of extreme tranquility that usually reigns in babies’ rooms is nothing like what babies experienced during the 9 months of pregnancy. In the mother’s womb, the baby was supported and clamped around the clock. 

The baby hears his mother’s heart, digestion and breathing. In addition, he also hears his voice, but also the music which is transmitted through a device placed on the stomach. The mother walks, moves, goes up and down the stairs, does sports. She barely stops to go to sleep, at least she’s calmer, but the noises don’t stop.

In the midst of this faint but continuous whirlwind of sounds and movements, the baby falls asleep. So it is easy to imagine why, once he arrives in a huge crib in a deserted and silent room, finding sleep becomes very difficult for him.

However, when we get in the car, the vibrations and the roar of the engine allow what seems impossible: the baby falls asleep. It is also easy to imagine the reasons why this is happening. The sound of the car reminds the baby of the months spent in the womb.

What’s the deal with car seats?

Infant car seats are a basic safety tool in the car. In many countries, they are even required by current traffic laws.

It is a basic safety measure for your child in the event of a possible collision or shock. Even if you are not driving or are not next to the baby, it is better if the baby is in the car seat rather than in your arms.

In the event of an impact with another vehicle or other element in the way, with the force of the impact, the baby could be kicked out of the vehicle in the event that you carry it in your arms. The car seat can be the difference between life and death. The problem arises when the car seat used is too large, and therefore not appropriate for the age of the newborn.

Should we prevent the baby from falling asleep in the car seat?

baby sleeping in car seat

It is inevitable that the baby will fall asleep in the car. You can’t stop him from sleeping either. What you need to do to keep her safe is to monitor her sleep and correct her body postures. Your baby is very fragile and because he is not yet in control of his body, the positions change during the car ride.

If you are accompanied,  the ideal is for the other person to sit next to the baby and pay attention to his postures. Avoid leaving the baby alone in the back seat. If you are alone with your baby, avoid taking very long trips.

The risk situations you should be aware of in terms of the possibility of him falling asleep in a car seat are as follows:

  • Since the baby does not yet have control of his head, especially in the first few weeks of life, his head may fall forward during the car ride and his airways may become blocked, causing asphyxiation.
  • When you put your baby in a car seat, watch his position and secure the harnesses. Otherwise, his body may bend over itself excessively and compress the chest and abdomen. If, moreover, the baby falls asleep with the head forward, the difficulty in breathing will be more important.
  • The oxygen saturation level drops when the baby is seated in the car seat. Especially when he’s not yet in control of his body. For this reason, it is advisable not to leave your baby sitting there for very long. Since he does not yet have the strength to support himself.
  • In winter, you should avoid sitting it with a too thick coat. Seat belts would not hold it well due to the thickness of the garment. Therefore, it could be kicked out in the event of a collision.

You arrive home and he is still sleeping, what to do?

The basic recommendation when you get home is to get the baby out of the car seat. It is not advisable for the baby to sleep in the car seat. These seats were not designed for sleeping but to travel safely in the car and protect them from a possible accident.

We all know that when we see them sleeping, we don’t want to wake them up. No parent wants to wake up their baby. However, it is necessary to take it out of the car seat, as it only takes a minute of neglect by parents or a loved one and the baby changes position and can suffocate.

If he wakes up, hug him, sing the lullabies he has been hearing since birth, and lie down next to him. The mother’s love and warmth will help her get to sleep again.

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