Why Shouldn’t Celery Be Consumed During Pregnancy?

Celery provides many nutrients but also contains substances such as apiol, apigenin and myristicin, which are active substances that cause bleeding and even the risk of miscarriage. Read on to find out more.

We know that the food a mother eats during pregnancy influences the health of the baby. Hence the importance of knowing how to take care of yourself and eat healthy. However, it is normal for certain foods, such as celery, to give rise to doubts. Would Eating Celery During Pregnancy Be Harmful?

Why is celery good?

celery during pregnancy

Celery is a herbaceous plant with a hollow stem with external furrows. Its use as a remedy dates back to ancient times. It was already used in Chinese, Greek and Roman cultures. Its taste and smell are characteristic. It also has different medicinal properties. Among the diseases that he fights, we find:

  • Drop.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Cholesterol.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Nervousness.
  • The headache.

It is also used as an expectorant and gastric sedative. and for the onset of menstruation or treating discomfort, reducing the flow of breast milk, among other functions.

In external use, it is best to apply it by means of poultices. It heals wounds and injuries, such as frostbite. It is also a good mouthwash and a good care in case of voice problems (aphonia).

Contraindications and side effects of celery

Consuming and using celery is safe for most people. But, ingested in large quantities, as part of “medicinal” remedies (celery juice, celery infusion and other related preparations) for a short time, excluding other foods, it can cause side effects. 

In fact, it  can cause reactions such as inflammation of the skin and sensitivity to the sun. However, these are not the only drawbacks that the use of celery can have on the health of individuals.

Why shouldn’t you consume celery while pregnant?

As we have just seen, celery has several health benefits for women. It is interesting that a large number of sites on the Internet promote the use of celery during pregnancy and lactation. However, it is important to clarify that within the medical community,  consuming celery during pregnancy is contraindicated.

Among the first reasons, the administration of celery oil, or large doses of seeds, stimulates the uterus. As a result,   there is a risk of causing a miscarriage.

In fact, celery has long been known for its emmenagogue properties The term emmenagogue refers to  any substance that stimulates blood flow. For this reason, celery is used to promote menstruation.

However,  some abortive herbs are also known by this name. Some classify them as light, moderate and strong natural emmenagogues.

Celery is classified as a moderate emmenagogue food. As a result, many specialists consider it best to avoid consuming celery during pregnancy.

Emmenagogue substances

celery during pregnancy

1. Apiol

Apiol is a substance obtained by distilling the seeds of parsley. However, this active ingredient is also found in other herbs such as celery.

For many years, apiol has been used as a drug to induce menstruation, but also as an abortive substance. In fact, this substance increases the tone and force of contraction of the uterus and causes the death of the placental tissue.

According to historical studies, oral use of essential oils rich in apiol is a latent danger in pregnant women, as it poses a high risk of miscarriage.

2. Apigenin

This substance is a natural flavonoid found in celery, but also in other fruits and vegetables. According to some scientific studies, apigenin is associated with abortive effects.

And that’s not all, the effects continue after the administration period. Apigenin has a slow metabolism and can build up in the body. For this reason, it is important not to take large amounts of celery during pregnancy.

3. Mysticism

It is an active principle which has hallucinogenic and anticoagulant properties. Like the previous active components, this substance stimulates the muscles of the uterus. Hence, it can create risky complications and even miscarriages.

In what other cases should you avoid consuming celery?

celery during pregnancy

If you have any of these conditions and consume large amounts of celery, you should discuss it with your specialist. This will be used to verify that there are no dangerous interactions and that they are harmless to your health  You must pay special attention in the event of:

  • Allergies
  • Kidney problems.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Coagulation disorders.
  • Surgery cases in which anesthesia is used.

Can you eat celery in moderation?

Celery is a plant with multiple benefits and unique properties that can be safe for most people when consumed with meals.

However,  it has been shown that celery during pregnancy should be consumed in moderation and responsibility. It is even recommended to avoid its use as much as possible so as not to expose yourself to risks or negative interactions.

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