Why Should You Drink Lukewarm Water On An Empty Stomach?

Lukewarm water stimulates the internal purification of our body, facilitates digestion and promotes intestinal transit. This makes it easier for our body to absorb nutrients.

What do you eat first in the morning, when you wake up? Many of our readers will certainly answer us: “A coffee!”. However, it is strongly recommended to start the day with a glass of lukewarm water on an empty stomach.

It is true that there is not much more effective than coffee to wake up well, and start the day with a good dose of energy.

However, think for a moment what an acidic drink like coffee can do to your body, day in and day out. It’s not the best, at least not as soon as you wake up.

Lukewarm water on an empty stomach is a simple remedy that offers countless benefits that many people ignore. After half an hour you will be able to start having breakfast normally.

In this article, we’ll explain everything that a simple glass of water in the early hours of the day can do for you. How about starting to practice this healthy habit today?

Warm water on an empty stomach purifies the body

Remember to always drink lukewarm water, never cold. This nuance is very important. Many people are already following the advice we have given you repeatedly on this site, which is to drink a glass of lemon water every morning.

However, some people do not have their stomachs prepared to ingest such a drink on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning.

The solution ? If you don’t like lemon, or if you are in too much of a rush in the morning, the easiest way is to heat a little water until it becomes firm, and to drink it little by little.

  • It is important to take into account that every cell in our body needs water to hydrate.  But also to eliminate all the accumulated waste.
  • Lukewarm water reaches our body at a temperature similar to that of our body. It is therefore a natural gesture, which optimizes the basic functions of our kidneys, which are the organs that filter the blood.
  • This good habit also helps to cleanse the stomach. Indeed, lukewarm water on an empty stomach will cleanse the walls of our stomach, to facilitate digestion during the day.

Warm water on an empty stomach releases toxins from the intestines

Warm water on an empty stomach releases toxins from the intestines

Constipation problems are one of the greatest sources of enrichment for the pharmaceutical industry. There are a thousand treatments, drinks, drugs, suppositories and capsules that can solve this annoying disorder.

Most people these days suffer from mild or occasional constipation. It is therefore important to practice certain natural remedies, such as consuming a glass of lukewarm water on an empty stomach as soon as you wake up.

  • If you consume it when you wake up, this glass of water will completely wash out your intestines.  It will eliminate toxins, yeasts and wastes that are in this part of your body.
  • Lukewarm water also helps stimulate intestinal transit in a natural way, which facilitates the breakdown of food particles, and their rapid passage through the intestines.
  • A healthy intestines allow you to better absorb nutrients, and therefore to be in better health.

Lukewarm water aids digestion

A healthier body, a purified stomach and the intestines free of toxins, facilitate the digestion process.

  • A simple gesture like the one we are suggesting can prepare your entire digestive system to receive food, so that it is better broken down and optimally digested.
  • If you drink cold water, your digestions will be more difficult. Food will not break down well, and the oils you consume will tend to concentrate, which will prevent proper absorption of nutrients.

Lukewarm water helps us relieve morning pains

We all suffer from headaches, excessive fatigue, upset stomach or bloating from time to time when we wake up.

  • If you experience this in the usual way, do not hesitate to start your day with a glass of lukewarm water.
    The heat has a calming effect on the body, which is very effective in relaxing muscles and improving blood circulation.
  • It is a kind of mild sedative, which acts internally, and which we can all benefit from on a daily basis.
    Drinking a glass of lukewarm water costs nothing, and can do your body a lot of good.

Lukewarm water helps you lose weight

Lukewarm water on an empty stomach causes weight loss

We all have the habit of drinking water only when we are thirsty. 

We must change this way of seeing things, and understand that our body needs water constantly, to carry out its most basic functions.

  • Your body needs as much water as it does food. It is an essential element to maintain its internal balance, and in particular to stabilize body weight.
  • A well hydrated body promotes organ function, and increases metabolic activity. This therefore allows you to burn calories more quickly.
  • The best thing to do is therefore to drink a first glass of lukewarm water, then to wait between 20 and 30 minutes before having breakfast.
    In this way, the intake of calories will decrease by 20%, since the water gives us the feeling of being already full.
    The urge to eat sugary foods will also decrease sharply.

If you want to lose weight easily, do not hesitate to consume a glass of lukewarm water before each of your meals. The results will show up very quickly.

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