Why Does Constipation Appear In Children And How Can It Be Relieved?

Constipation in children is very common and can be a problem that results from diet or certain habits. It is important to resolve this disorder before complications develop.

Constipation in children, as in adults, is a common problem. It consists of the difficulty in defecating,  which is the process by which we expel stool from the body.

Intestinal transit varies from person to person. It also changes with age. For example, babies defecate more frequently than adults. However,  in general, middle-aged children go to the bathroom once or twice a day.

Why is constipation common in children?

Constipation in children, just like in adults,  is defined as difficulty in passing stool. The fecal matter is therefore blocked in the intestine. In some cases, it can consist of the constant feeling of not having evacuated sufficiently.

Constipation in children is difficult to define. This is because, as we reported earlier, the frequency of bowel movements varies depending on the age and the individual person.

Babies, for example, tend to have more watery stools and more frequent bowel movements. As they grow older and a diet similar to that of adults is introduced, the consistency varies and the number of daily bowel movements decreases.

The exact cause of constipation in children is not known when no associated pathology is detected. Hard, dry stools are known to build up in the colon. These move more slowly, which causes more water to be absorbed in the digestive tract. The more time passes, the more the stools harden and the more difficult it is to expel them.

A constipated baby.

Symptoms that constipation can produce

The symptoms of constipation in children vary widely. According to professionals at the Mayo Clinic,  there may be less than three bowel movements in a week. By the way, as we have reported, these are hard and dry stools.

So when the child tries to defecate, pain appears. Likewise, you need to push harder to get there. The stool, being so hard, can cause small injuries when passed. This is why blood can sometimes appear.

The pain that occurs with constipation in children makes them unwilling to go to the bathroom. The little one will try to avoid defecation so as not to hurt. Very often, we can therefore see him tighten his buttocks or twist.

Causes of constipation in children

Constipation in children can have multiple causes. There are different factors that affect the consistency and type of stool. First of all, food is decisive. When this does not contain enough plants or fruits, the fecal matter is usually harder.

Any change in diet can also lead to constipation. It is common to see it appear when you start to include solid foods. They are indeed more complex to digest and expel.

As with adults, the toilet routine is very important. For example, it is usual that when traveling, in a stressful situation or even when the child begins to go to school, constipation appears.

Another cause of constipation in children is fear. Having pain trying to defecate may cause them to avoid using the toilet. This is a vicious cycle that compounds the problem.

In addition, according to what is explained in Healthychildren , certain drugs and certain diseases can lead to this pathology. For example,  hypothyroidism or malformations of the digestive system. In the case of drugs, this is a side effect of iron supplements and anticonvulsants.

How is constipation in children treated?

Constipation in children can lead to complications. So, if it is a situation that persists or recurs, it is essential to deal with it. However, this should not be done without first consulting a pediatrician.

As explained in National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases , the doctor may recommend enemas or laxatives to relieve constipation on an ad hoc basis. However, these approaches cannot be used indefinitely.

There are different types of laxatives depending on the characteristics of the pathology. Some do not have immediate effect. In addition, they can give a feeling of fullness, gas and lead to abdominal discomfort. This is why the use of these drugs should be controlled.

When to consult a doctor

Constipation in children can be cured on its own. In fact,  in the majority of cases, it is a one-time thing that does not present any complications. However, if this situation persists over time or repeats itself frequently, it is essential to consult a doctor.

There is also a whole series of warning signs to be taken into account. For example, if the child has blood in the stool or has weight loss, has a fever and abdominal swelling.

In some cases,  the effort made to try to defecate can lead to rectal prolapse:  part of the intestine then comes out through the anus. This is a reason for consultation.

Possible complications of constipation in children

Constipation in children can lead to complications. One of the most important at this age is for the child to stop eating  or avoid defecating at all costs.

Another complication is anal fissures. When the stools are very dry and hard, they cause injury to the lining or skin of the anus at the time of expulsion. These injuries increase pain and can be difficult to heal.

Encopresis is the repeated loss of stool on clothing. It appears in cases where retained fecal matter accumulates in the colon or rectum. Liquid stool begins to filter and expel involuntarily, by overflow.

Foods with fiber.

Prevention and recommendations

Treatment is generally based on dietary measures and improving a child’s habits. So,  one of the basic aspects is to increase the amount of fiber in the diet. For this, we must ensure that the child eats more fruits and vegetables every day.

Likewise, it is essential that he drink plenty of water and exercise. Physical activity improves bowel motility and prevents constipation in children. It is also important to create a routine for going to the bathroom.

It is part of their education from birth. However, you have to be understanding. The little ones need patience and special attention. So, if they are afraid to go to the bathroom or avoid this moment, this act should be stimulated through something that distracts them or through a reward.

Many cases of constipation are due to an inadequate diet. It can also be the consequence of sedentary lifestyle or bad habits. It is therefore important, at this time of life, to teach them to have a varied and balanced diet.

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