What To Eat To Fight Against Fatigue?

Even if we sometimes find it hard to believe it, outside of our sleep, it is our diet that is decisive in our ability to have energy throughout the day, to be able to cope with our different daily tasks.

It doesn’t matter how many hours you sleep, what daily activities you do or how much professional work you do. You never manage to be in good shape and you feel tired all the time. But did you know that it is possible to fight against fatigue?

If you feel like you run out of energy before the end of the day and you burn out very quickly, we recommend that you read the rest of this article. The problem may be with the way you eat.

Find out what you should eat so that you don’t get so tired.

A diet to fight fatigue

The fact that you are feeling tired is most likely due to overworking, not getting enough sleep, or eating an unbalanced diet (or even a combination of all three).

In addition to avoiding sources of stress and getting 8 hours of sleep a night, we recommend that you include certain foods in your daily diet.

1. Natural seasonings

Soy sauce (reduced in salt) and miso are two seasonings that you can use to flavor your food and reduce fatigue.

Soy sauce is used to garnish rice, pasta and fish. Its main advantage is that it is very low in calories. But be careful not to use too much of it, as it contains a lot of salt and it could increase your blood pressure.

Miso, on the other hand, is a paste made from the fermentation of mung beans (soybeans) and which is used to season soups and stews.

Either way, we recommend that you opt for natural and organically grown versions, which you can find in health food stores.

2. Coffee

We should not abuse caffeine, although it can help us fight fatigue. This substance has contraindications that we cannot ignore.

Coffee can be an ally against exhaustion, but only at certain times. Other foods can also help us fight against this phenomenon and strengthen our concentration.

This is tea or chocolate, for example. If you consume too much caffeine, you may suffer from headaches and anxiety, insomnia, or nervousness. So be very careful.

3. Sea salt and seaweed


These two foods are healthy and prevent fatigue from completely invading our daily lives.

You may not like seaweed, but know that you can always combine it with other foods (for example, rice) and season it to soften their very pronounced marine flavor.

Sea salt or pink salt are two great options for reducing sodium damage. These are therefore sources of energy that should not be overlooked.

4. Fresh fruit

An apple, orange, or pear are the perfect snacks and desserts if you’re feeling tired.  Perfect for fighting fatigue. All fruits provide us with minerals, vitamins, fiber and lots of water.

The fact that they are made up of simple carbohydrates allows our body to easily convert them into glucose, which increases our energy.

Natural juices are also great options. It is recommended to consume it before playing sports or during very intense days of work or study.

5. The seeds

A handful of chia, sesame or squash seeds for breakfast can give us all the energy we need to face the day. You can also easily include them in your yogurts, smoothies, and natural juices.

Chia seeds help us stabilize our nervous system. C they sesame promote the synthesis of endorphins. Don’t underestimate them anymore! They are perfect for fighting fatigue.

6. Yogurt

It is a perfect product if you are on a diet, if you want to eat better or if you want to consume more calcium on a daily basis because you think you are suffering from a deficiency.

You can easily decorate it, you will never get tired of it. If you pair it with oats, raisins, almonds and chia seeds, you will enhance all of their benefits.

Yogurt makes you feel full quickly and keeps us from feeling tired.

7. Whole grains

Rice, barley, and quinoa are three examples of whole grains that we recommend consuming if you are tired or want to be more productive.

This is because these foods contain a large amount of carbohydrates which are converted into energy just when the body ingests them. They satiate us more than products made from refined flour.

8. Raw vegetables

Carrot, celery and tomato are thus vegetables that we usually consume in summer, when it is hot. However, when winter arrives, we seek to consume more filling, fatter, more “opulent” meals.

However, we must try to eat raw vegetable salads when it is cold. Indeed, these foods fill us with energy. To not get bored, you can steam them from time to time or sauté them with a little olive oil. They are thus perfect for combating fatigue.

9. Dried fruits

Much like seeds, dried fruits are ideal in the morning or afternoon when our energy is running low and we are struggling to keep our eyes open.

A small handful of almonds, walnuts or cashews is enough.

Want even more energy? Mix them with fruits, such as apples for example, and with oats, then consume an orange juice. All these foods thus form a nutritious and energetic 100% natural breakfast.

10. The fish

Fish is certainly not very satiating, but it provides us with exceptional nutrients, such as omega 3 fatty acids, which are transformed into real fuel for our body and which repair our damaged tissues.

It also prevents the proteins we eat from turning into fat.

Do not forget to drink plenty of water, because dehydration is a factor of fatigue and loss of motivation. Two liters of water a day is not a luxury, it is a necessity! This is necessary to fight against fatigue!

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