What Happens To Your Body If You Eat 2 Bananas A Day?

Bananas are one of the most consumed fruits. Not only are they tasty, but they bring great benefits to the body. We invite you to try eating two bananas a day and you will see the improvement they produce.

Bananas, in addition to their flavor, are very healthy. And if you don’t believe it, just see the reactions your body would have if you ate two bananas a day. Take the test and you will realize, your well-being will multiply.

Normalize blood pressure level

Bananas are able to normalize the blood pressure level because they contain around 420 mg of potassium.

They reduce overweight


Bananas are able to reduce overweight due to their high fiber content which will fill you up for longer.

It is a food that contains resistant starch. It is a type of substance that reduces appetite and prevents you from gaining weight. In addition, this starch is also able to reduce the level of sugar in the blood.

It also increases the body’s sensitivity to insulin, a very important aspect because if the cells are not sensitive to insulin, they cannot absorb glucose, which causes the feeling of hunger. The accumulation of fat depends on insulin.

They reduce the risk of anemia

Bananas reduce the risk of suffering from anemia. Anemia is caused by a lack of iron in the blood and causes extreme fatigue due to reduced red blood cells and low hemoglobin.

Bananas contain a high amount of iron, which stimulates the production of red blood cells. In addition, they are a source of vitamin B6 which is responsible for adjusting the level of glucose in the blood.

They improve digestion

Bananas are able to improve your digestion. It is a fruit that is easily digested without irritating the digestive tract.

Bananas contain resistant starch which is not digested and will reach the large intestine to promote the growth of healthy bacteria. It is of which a type of fruit highly recommended in case of gastritis, heartburn or to take after diarrhea, because they restore the lost minerals.

They reduce the stress level

Bananas will lower your stress levels and lift your spirits. Bananas contain tryptophan, a substance that our bodies need to produce serotonin, the hormone of happiness.

In addition, a banana also contains around 26 mg of magnesium, a mineral that is responsible for ensuring that our sleep balances this relationship with our mood.

They compensate for vitamin deficiencies

Bananas are a type of food rich in vitamin B6, one banana contains 20% of the recommended daily dose of vitamin B6. With this vitamin, the body can produce insulin, hemoglobin and the amino acids necessary to create healthy cells.

Bananas also contain enough vitamin C. So much so that with a banana, we are giving our body 15% of our recommended daily dose.

Vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant which is responsible for neutralizing harmful free radicals. That is to say the active molecules which destroy the organism.

With this amount of vitamin C in bananas, it is easier for the body to maintain healthy blood vessels. And to participate in the production of collagen.

Bananas give you energy

Thanks to the potassium in bananas, the muscles are much more protected from cramps. In addition to the carbohydrates that contribute to our body, we also get the energy to endure a tough workout.

Recommendations to keep in mind

the benefits of bananas

When buying bananas, you should keep in mind that the degree of ripeness of a banana directly affects its nutritional characteristics. If you buy a green banana, be aware that it is largely formed from starch.

As we said, starch is a polysaccharide of glucose molecules that will release energy bit by bit. Starch makes bananas difficult for the body to digest.

If you go for ripe bananas, they contain 90% sucrose and only 7% starch. Sucrose is made up of one molecule of glucose and another of fructose. In this way, its absorption is faster. And its impact on blood sugar and insulin response is greater.

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