Turmeric With Bee Honey: A Natural Remedy

The association of turmeric with honey has antibiotic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. However, if you have any health problems, seek the advice of a specialist before consuming it.

Turmeric with bee honey is a sure-fire natural remedy. Turmeric is a traditional spice that is part of a plant in the Zingiberaceae family, to which ginger also belongs.

It is common on the Asian continent, especially in India, which is the country where it is exported the most to other places in the world.

The root of the plant is used, which contains active ingredients and which can be enjoyed as a condiment or for its medicinal uses.

In fact, given its intense orange color, some companies use it as a base for the manufacture of clothing dyes.

In health, it has been used as a natural anti-inflammatory, analgesic and preventative. 

Its high content of curcumin and other antioxidant substances gives it incredible properties to fight and prevent several types of diseases.

There is a series of traditional cures that have been part of traditional medicine for several centuries.

One of them is to combine turmeric  with bee honey, an organic ingredient that increases its benefits.

What are the virtues of turmeric with honey?

The virtues of turmeric with honey are numerous.

The association of turmeric with bee honey (also known as “golden honey”) is a natural remedy with powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities that promote the body’s defenses.

Also considered a powerful natural antibiotic, this mixture destroys several types of viruses and bacteria that cause disease.

Its advantage over synthetic remedies is that it has no negative effects on the intestinal flora, quite the contrary since it is used as food to increase the presence of healthy bacteria.

Its significant contribution in polyphenols, vitamins and minerals makes that it has more than 150 therapeutic applications, among which we find the treatment of inflammatory disorders and several types of cancers.

In addition, thanks to its contributions in vitamins C and E, it inhibits the action of free radicals and prevents deterioration linked to premature aging.

This remedy is rich in vitamins.

In Ayurveda , a natural healing system originating from India, this remedy is used to combat digestive, liver and viral ailments.

On the other hand, given its powerful anti-inflammatory action, it has also been shown to be effective for patients with conditions such as arthritis, osteoarthritis, and gout.

Here are other important benefits:

  • The ability to fight pathogens such as: Sarcina, Gaffkya, Corynebacterium and Clostridium.
  • Protection of the brain.
  • Elimination of toxins.
  • Reducing the negative impact of treating certain types of cancer.
  • Relief of symptoms of the flu, colds and other respiratory ailments.
  • Prevention of infections of the urinary tract.
  • Relief from duodenal ulcers.
  • Lowering cholesterol.
  • The ability to stimulate fat metabolism.

How to prepare the remedy of turmeric and honey?

Learn how to prepare the remedy of turmeric with honey.

Faced with the health difficulties mentioned, it is interesting to try “golden honey”.

However, it is important to know that the ingredients must be 100% organic to experience their full benefits.


  • 4 tablespoons of pure bee honey (100 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of turmeric (10 g)


  • Put a spoonful of turmeric in four spoonfuls of honey and pour the product into an airtight glass container.
  • Mix before using to make sure the two ingredients are well integrated with each other.

Way of consuming

  • As a preventive measure, it is advisable to ingest a spoonful of the mixture on an empty stomach, every day.
  • In case of cold, take half a teaspoon every hour for a whole day, and the following day reduce the dose to half and consume only every two hours.
  • Treatment lasts around three days, or a little longer, depending on the conditions and symptoms.
  • Make sure to keep the mixture in your mouth until it is completely dissolved. If you find it very sweet, you can put it in a glass of lukewarm water.
  • To obtain digestive benefits, it is advisable to ingest a spoonful diluted in water before each meal.

To know…

  • Avoid the consumption of this remedy and turmeric in general if you are suffering from gallbladder diseases.
  • In case of pregnancy or breastfeeding, it is better to consult a doctor before ingesting the product.
  • Turmeric may interfere with the effect of blood thinning medications. Consult your specialist if you are having medication for your heart and / or circulatory health.
  • Also avoid its consumption if you have an upcoming surgery.

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