Treatment For Eczema On The Scalp

To prevent chemicals from making eczema worse, you can prepare a homemade shampoo with vinegar and baking soda which, thanks to its properties, helps us to balance the pH of the hair.

Skin problems are not easy to treat as they are often symptoms of other health problems and require specific products as well as a lot of patience. Eczema is a good example.

In this article, we are going to give you some tips for carrying out a home treatment, which will help you eliminate the eczema that appears on the scalp, and which causes so much discomfort in people who suffer from it.

Harmful foods

The moment we detect eczema on our scalp, we need to eliminate the following foods from our diet:

  • Red meats and cold cuts.
  • Fried and precooked foods.
  • Milk and dairy products rich in fat (fresh cheese, whipped cream, ice cream, etc.)
  • Table salt (you can eat sea salt in small amounts).
  • White sugar and sweeteners (except stevia).
  • Refined flours, especially wheat flour (it is better to opt for oat, chickpea, rye, spelled, etc.)

Beneficial foods

There are certain foods that hide beneficial properties to prevent and eliminate any type of eczema, which appears on any part of the body.

To achieve a complete, effective and natural treatment, the first step is to include these foods in our daily menus.

However, we have to be consistent and patient because results do not appear overnight.

  • The natural juices of apple, pear, carrot, ginger and celery: consume as much as possible, on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast.
  • Brewer’s yeast : It is a great skin purifier which is recommended in cases of eczema and dermatitis.
  • Vegetable drinks of oats, rice, spelled, almonds etc. to replace animal milk.
  • Likewise, sprouted seeds of alfalfa, sunflower, broccoli etc. They are great sources of nutrients, which can be purchased or sprouted at home.
  • Infusions of horsetail, sarsaparilla and nettle.
  • Dry vegetables.
  • Fruits and dried fruits.
  • The blue fish.
  • Finally, the eggs.

The tea tree treatment

Before washing your hair, at least twice a week, you will apply tea tree essential oil to your scalp, in order to eliminate all pathogenic germs that eczema then causes.

So mix it with one of the following products, depending on your scalp type:

  • Oily hair: with aloe vera gel
  • Dry hair: with coconut oil.

How to use it ?

  • Wet your head with a little lukewarm water.
  • Apply this preparation well on the scalp, especially on the affected area.
  • Wrap a towel around your hair.
  • Leave on for half an hour.
  • Wash your hair normally.

Baking soda and vinegar shampoo

Eczema is a very delicate problem which requires treatment with specific products.

However, these products tend to be expensive and they are not as natural as they claim.

This is why we offer you a totally natural and economical homemade shampoo, which will help you balance the natural pH of the hair so that eczema disappears.

What do we need ?

  • A tablespoon of baking soda diluted in a glass of hot water.
  • Three quarters of a glass of water with a quarter of apple cider vinegar.

How to do ?

  • Apply the water with the baking soda only on the scalp, otherwise you may dry out the ends.
  • Then rinse with water.
  • Then apply the water to the vinegar, let sit for a minute or two and rinse well with water.
  • If you wish, you can add a few drops of an essential oil to this liquid to improve the odor, although it should be noted that the hair will not smell of vinegar once it is dry.

The seawater cure for eczema

People who live near the beach or have the option of getting seawater can use it to rinse their hair.

In addition, sea water provides us with all the minerals we need in the proportions necessary for our body.

In addition, it is ideal for its anti-inflammatory, alkalizing and purifying properties, which are excellent for fighting eczema.

Let your hair soaked in seawater dry and then rinse it with lukewarm water.

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