Treatment And Prevention Of Bad Foot Odor

To avoid excessive sweating, which is one of the most common factors for the appearance of body odor, we can apply baking soda too better on our feet than in our shoes.

Foot odor is a common problem that most people can have at any time in life.

This type of phenomenon can appear because of poor hygiene, fungal infections, bacteria, a specific type of shoes, humidity or even because of stress! 

We all know that these smells are very unpleasant and can even make people with pain feel ashamed, thus affecting their social relationships.

Today there are a lot of products that fight against bad odor on the feet. These substances are made to neutralize the odor, but they hardly ever manage to eliminate them completely.

In this article, we are going to give you some natural tips and treatments for you to take action against this problem and get better results. 

How to prevent bad odors on the feet?

For a foot odor treatment to be effective, it is very important to take certain precautions before applying any type of product against bad odor.

Most of the time, this problem is caused by the habits we have on a daily basis. They must therefore be identified in order to eliminate the problem more effectively.

  • Hygiene: it is essential to wash your feet well every day to reduce the presence of bacteria. Whenever possible, use antibacterial soap and an exfoliant to remove the dead cells that accumulate there. 
  • Moisture: Moisture is one of the causes of bad foot odor. Keep your feet dry and avoid excessively humid environments. This will prevent the appearance of yeast infection.
  • Deodorants: The use of deodorant sprays or talcs for the feet is a good idea to avoid excessive sweating and bad odors.
  • Shoes: the type of shoe plays a very important role in foot odor. It is better to opt for shoes that allow ventilation of the feet since closed shoes generate bad odors.
  • Socks: synthetic fiber socks promote the appearance of bad odors. Whenever possible, use cotton socks.

Treatments against bad foot odor

After you have applied the tips for combating bad foot odors, a good idea is to use a good homemade treatment to eliminate and prevent these unpleasant odors. There are several alternatives to clean the feet and completely get rid of this discomfort. 

Baking soda

Baking soda against bad odors.

Baking soda acts as a natural deodorant and you can use it in place of talc or sprays. Sprinkle a little baking soda on your shoes and feet to prevent excessive sweating and bad odors.

Apple vinegar

This product promotes the elimination of bad odors on the feet, since it constitutes an effective pH regulator of the skin, thus helping to eliminate bacteria.

To use it, you need to mix 5 large spoonfuls of apple cider vinegar in a container of hot water and soak your feet in it for 10 minutes.

Sage against bad odors

Sage against bad odors.

Sage is an herb that contains good properties to help curb excessive sweating in the feet. It also promotes the elimination of bacteria.

To use it, you can put dry sage leaves inside the shoes for a whole day. Or soak your feet in an infusion of sage, for 15 minutes.

Ginger against bad odors

Ginger is a root that has antibacterial properties that help eliminate bad odor from the feet. Plus, its anti-inflammatory benefits help eliminate swelling in the feet.

To use it, all you need to do is grate a medium sized ginger root. And mix it with water. Put this on the heat for 15 minutes. Then use the result to massage your feet at night before going to bed.

Rosemary, lemon and mint against bad odors

Rosemary, lemon and mint against bad odors.

This natural treatment is ideal for eliminating odor from the feet. Since it reduces excessive sweating, helps eliminate bacteria and deeply cleanses the skin of the feet. In order to leave them fresh and free from any type of odor.

How to prepare it?

In a large container, mix a liter of lukewarm water. The juice of one lemon, a spoonful of rosemary and a spoonful of mint. Soak the feet in it for 15 minutes and then dry them well without leaving any trace of moisture.

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