Tips And Remedies For Treating And Covering Varicose Veins

Until the remedies for varicose veins work, you can cover them up with makeup or tanning cream.

Varicose veins are veins that dilate due to the action of poor blood circulation. These veins swell and are seen below the skin.  This is what causes a slightly unsightly and unpleasant look on the legs. It is true that we can very often eliminate varicose veins thanks to surgeries or therapies, but these procedures generally take a certain time (and money…).

Do you want an effective and quick solution to end varicose veins? On top of that, would you like to be able to cover them up while they disappear? We will help you ! You must take into account our recommendations to hide their presence and then carry out a natural treatment.

Methods to hide varicose veins

If you have veins that can be seen under your skin, and even a few spider veins, you probably want to hide them. So we recommend that you use these simple tips that will help you hide varicose veins.

You can then wear the skirts or dresses that you adore so much! We are also going to give you some very  effective home remedies for removing varicose veins. You will see, by combining these two methods, you will not only hide your visible veins, you will gradually make them disappear!

Using makeup to hide varicose veins

Obviously, the best tip for covering up varicose veins is good makeup. This is what is most effective! To cover your veins, you will need to apply creamy makeup. Before that, you will need to use a concealer for dark circles. If the veins are bluish, it should be yellow. On the other hand, if they are reddish, the corrector should be green.

After that, you will need to apply a makeup base: the tone should be lighter than the color of our skin. This is what will give a more natural look to our legs!

Bronzing creams

These creams are very effective in hiding certain marks, scars and veins. In addition, they can be used every day!

Obviously, you first want to hide these varicose veins. But we also recommend that you carry out some home treatments to eliminate them . Some are really effective!  In addition, in most cases, these veins become inflamed, which causes severe pain. It is therefore really necessary to completely eliminate varicose veins.

Home remedies to relieve varicose veins


The first thing to do is learn to eat healthy. You should consume a lot of fresh fruits and raw vegetables. They are essential for maintaining healthy and hydrated skin, as well as a healthy circulatory system.

When sleeping or resting, always keep your feet high. This will help us to circulate the blood better. The latter will therefore not stagnate for too long in one place, because this is obviously what favors the appearance of varicose veins.

If your job requires you to sit or stand for a long time, you may need to move your legs or walk a little to activate the blood circulation. This avoids many problems!

You can try to use tights that adjust slightly to the legs:  they will keep the veins compressed. But beware ! Tights shouldn’t be too tight, nor should you wear clothes that compress you too much. This is because it can create other problems for you, such as cellulite.

To activate blood circulation, you can massage in a circular fashion and with cold water right after showering. Repeat the action every day.

We also recommend that you take every day for them tablespoons chestnut extract diluted in a glass of water.

Ointments for varicose veins

varicose veins

If you want, you can make your own ointment for varicose veins. It is enough to take a few leaves and a few flowers of calendula and fry them in two tablespoons of butter. Once a little foam appears, lower the heat then  let stand for a day. It only remains to heat the mixture so that the preparation is easier to filter.

Then you can wrap it up and store it in a cool place. This ointment can be applied every day to the affected areas.

Remember …

You can hide your varicose veins in a simple way. You can also eliminate them completely with home treatments. Remember that you need to make a few movements from time to time to activate the circulation of the blood. This will prevent the formation of varicose veins when the blood stagnates for too long!

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