Tips And Natural Remedies For A Healthy Liver

Sometimes, due to the complexity of its tasks, the liver ends up becoming saturated or contracting diseases. Consuming certain foods and herbal teas can help us detoxify it.

The liver is the second largest organ in our body, after the skin. It is essential for the processes of digestion and detoxification. Realize the importance of maintaining a healthy liver by following a suitable diet, avoiding alcohol and trying to prevent the risk of hepatitis as much as possible.

The liver can perform about 500 different functions. In particular, it can filter a liter of blood per minute when it is in optimal condition.

During this filtration process, the liver cleanses the blood of substances such as hormones, drugs, medications, chemicals, germs and toxins. 

More than 500 million people are infected with chronic viral hepatitis worldwide. Over a million per year die from liver failure or cancer.

It should be noted that many of these deaths could have been prevented with a diet that maintains this organ and ensures that it performs its main functions optimally.

Symptoms of a diseased liver

  • Jaundice, spots, reddened nose, acne and other skin diseases, pasty mouth, poor digestion, nausea, gas, chills during the first hours of digestion.
  • Poor evacuation, constipation or diarrhea, very colored stools, intestinal spasms, inflammation, anal burns, parasites, demineralization, anemia, diabetes, morbid obesity or thinness, appendicitis, sleep disturbances.
  • Cloudy urine, right side rib pain, headache, cirrhosis, abscess, stones, visual and hearing disturbances, heavy legs, rheumatism, sclerosis, glandular imbalance, menstrual pain.
  • Male infertility or impotence, emotional problems and instability, chronic bronchitis and tuberculosis, frequent bleeding, propensity for mosquito bites, and cancer.

You can see how important it is to keep a healthy liver.  He has so many complex tasks that many problems can arise if he is not in good health. You can catch more infectious diseases, for example.

There are, however, products that will help keep your liver healthy.

Natural products to regain a healthy liver

The boldo


Called the liver plant, it is known for its properties which help regenerate and take care of this organ. This plant contains boldine, an alkaloid that stimulates the production of bile, the secretion of uric acid and gastric juices, which facilitate the work of the liver and make it more efficient.

In addition, this plant is fungicidal, antioxidant, and above all, anti-inflammatory. You can consume it as an infusion or tea. But boldo can also be found in tablet form sold in natural stores.

You can take it after lunch and dinner to improve your digestion and liver function. It is also in the evening that the liver works the most. An after-dinner tea helps you flush out toxins more easily.


Without a doubt, garlic is one of the best foods to cleanse your liver in a natural way.  It activates enzymes that eliminate toxins, while the allicin and selenium it contains take care of keeping your liver clean and healthy. In addition, it is very easy to add it to your dishes.

Consuming garlic regularly is a very healthy habit that will improve the health of your liver.

Whole grains

Complete rice

Brown rice, and whole grains in general, contain high levels of B vitamins.  This vitamin helps the liver perform its functions in several ways. In particular by decongesting it and improving fat metabolism.

Avoid foods that contain refined flours and opt for whole wheat flour instead.

Cruciferous vegetables

These plants have very powerful liver detoxifying properties. Because they contain chemicals that neutralize certain toxins such as nitrosamines, present in cigarette smoke.

They also contain glucosinolates which help the liver to produce the enzymes it needs for its body detox process. Among the cruciferous vegetables, you have the choice between broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower or collard greens.

Antioxidants in fruits

According to a study by the University of Tuffs, the following fruits have the highest levels of antioxidants:

  • Plums
  • Raisins
  • Blueberries
  • Blackberries
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Prunes
  • Oranges
  • Pink grapefruits
  • Melons
  • Apples
  • Pears

Antioxidants help protect the liver from the high levels of free radicals that are naturally produced during the detoxification process. So don’t hesitate to include them in your diet. What are you doing to maintain a healthy liver?

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