The Seeds You Must Have In Your Kitchen

The seeds are rich in minerals, proteins, vitamins, enzymes and fatty acids. If we want to take advantage of all their nutrients, we have to consume them raw. We can add them to our ground or grated dishes.

According to some philosophies, seeds are the source of life. According to other views, it is a food that has all the nutrients we need (if we eat them raw, of course).

Many seeds are edible and correspond to a higher oil supply than what we do to prepare our food.

Discover in this article the seeds that should not be missing in your kitchen, and start enjoying their benefits!

The secret is in the seed

The seeds are easy to store and eat, but most importantly, they provide us with a lot of nutrients. They are the oldest foods, and at the same time, the least used in our time. There are many myths surrounding eating grains. Like for example the fact that they are expensive, which is absolutely not true.

Some people believe that the only animals that eat grain are birds. However, more and more consumers are becoming aware of their properties. Their small size should not worry you. Indeed, many minerals, proteins, vitamins, enzymes, fatty acids and many other constituents are concentrated in this small volume.

If all seeds are recommended, the best are the so-called oleaginous ones, which provide a multitude of good fats. Being very easy to transport, the seeds can turn into an excellent snack in those times when hunger assails you in the street, or at work.

The only recommendation regarding the consumption of seeds is to eat them raw. Thus, you will be able to benefit from all of their nutrients. If you soak them, they will activate and be easier to ingest. You can also consume them ground, in juice, in smoothies, grated or mashed.

The best seeds for your diet

Chia seeds

These good seeds, dark in color, will provide you with a large amount of minerals, vitamins, fiber, protein, and antioxidants. They are ideal for people who don’t eat fish. Indeed, they provide more omega 3 fatty acids than any other food of plant origin.

Chia seeds reduce pain in the joints, protect against diseases such as diabetes or heart disease, help slim down and give a lot of energy. They do not contain gluten, they improve brain function and they protect the liver. What more?

chia seeds

Hemp seeds

Light brown in color, they contain amino acids (some of which cannot be produced by our body), they can help us cure immune diseases and tuberculosis, they contain a large amount of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids and digest very easily.

In addition, they contain phytonutrients that protect the blood, cells, tissues, skin, mitochondria and organs. Eating hemp seeds will keep you healthy!

Pomegranate seeds

Reddish or purple in color, they are an excellent source of antioxidants. They help protect the body against free radicals responsible for premature aging, provide oxygen to the blood and prevent the formation of clots.

In addition, they are rich in polyphenols, elements that reduce the risk of suffering from cancer or heart disease. They contain a lot of vitamin C and potassium, but very few calories, and are great for preventing constipation.

They can reduce joint damage caused by diseases like arthritis, and decrease inflammation.


Flax seeds

Toasted brown in color, they provide dietary fibers that regulate appetite and help lose weight. They relieve abdominal pain, are anti-inflammatory, and prevent the growth of tumors or cancers.

They have anti-oxidant properties, promote bowel function and reduce the risk of cardiovascular events.

Pumpkin seeds

Greenish or yellowish in color, they are alkaline and very rich in protein. They provide vitamin B, help reduce depression thanks to the chemical compound called L-tryptophan. They improve the general state of mind, prevent the appearance of kidney stones and eliminate parasites, especially tapeworms.

pumpkin seeds

Sesame seeds

Light in color, they have been used for centuries as a condiment. The oil which is extracted from it can be kept for a very long time. They are a source of copper, manganese, calcium, iron, vitamin B, zinc, phosphorus and dietary fiber.

Sesame seeds contain unique substances. The latter belong to the group of fibers. They help lower cholesterol and blood pressure and protect the liver from oxidation.

Sunflower seeds

Very small and white in color, their skin is darker. These good seeds are a great source of vitamin E. The latter neutralizes free radicals and prevents damage they cause to the brain and cells.

They lower cholesterol, improve the immune system and decrease the risk of developing cancer. They contain a lot of magnesium, they reduce asthma and high blood pressure, they prevent headaches and prevent brain hemorrhages.

Sun-flower seeds

Quinoa seeds

Round and yellowish in color, these seeds have been used for thousands of years in South America, where many ancient civilizations called them “the mother seeds”. They contain iron, phosphorus and proteins.

Their high fiber content allows them to fight constipation, and they are also excellent for weight loss thanks to their great satiating effect. They can be consumed in many preparations such as pies, soups, granolas, in bread or in cakes.

Cumin seeds

These good grains have been used since Antiquity and are very famous for their health benefits. They help relieve digestive disorders, are antiseptic, rich in iron and increase the energy of the liver.

Cumin seeds alleviate symptoms of colds and sore throats, are very helpful in raising body temperature, and help the metabolism to be more efficient. They stimulate the immune system, are used to cure arthritis and asthma, and protect the kidneys.

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