The Color Of The Tongue Reveals Your Emotional And Health State

The tongue has thousands of nerve endings which are directly connected to our various organs. Thanks to its color or texture, we can determine what problem we are suffering from.

The tongue is one of the most informative muscles in our body. In addition to performing digestive functions, the tongue can reveal how healthy or unhealthy our bodies are, as well as our emotional state. Learn to read the color of the tongue to help you discover different diseases.

This is because the tongue is endowed with thousands of nerve endings. And these are associated with different organs in our body.

When something is not working well in our organism, the tongue can perceive it and through different messages like color changes or a stain. And it can alarm us about something that is not working well.

In this article, we want to give you a guide with the information that the tongue can reveal about our emotional state and our health. You can put them into practice by observing your tongue in front of a mirror or by analyzing every detail.

Tongue pink or similar in appearance

The color of the tongue pink indicates that we are in good health. And that, in general, we have a good lifestyle. It is a sign of good digestion and a good diet. Moreover, from an emotional point of view, it indicates that we are balanced.

The red tongue

If the color of the tongue is reddish, it could be a sign that you have a problem in your throat or in one of your internal organs. It is also a sign of excessive fat consumption and digestive problems.

On an emotional level, this diet can indicate that the person is very easily stressed.

Dry, reddish tongue

This may indicate that you have a high fever. Especially if it is particularly red at the tip. Emotionally, this type of language is unique to people who tend to get irritated and easily stressed.

Small ulcers on the tongue

They tend to appear when there is some type of viral or yeast infection. They also appear because of deficiencies in vitamin C and A. As well as an excess consumption of refined foods, fats and sugars, among others.

On an emotional level, this type of language can indicate that the person is anxious and stressed. It is also characteristic of people who suffer from repressed anger.

If possible, you should review your oral hygiene frequently. See a doctor to treat your tongue if it is infected.

Inflamed taste buds

It is a clear symptom of nutritional deficiencies. It is very important to follow the dietary recommendations that we give in the article on white tongue, in order to combat this problem. Brush your tongue gently with your toothbrush each time you brush your teeth.

On the emotional side, this can reveal a state of stress and difficulty adapting to changes.

The color of the tongue is white

This type of tongue is a clear symptom of digestive or intestinal problems. This can be due to excessive consumption of saturated fat, sugars or refined flours.

It can also indicate that the person is suffering from toxemia. It is the accumulation of toxins in the intestines and in the blood. This also leads to other health problems.

The color of the tongue is white indicates digestive problems

You notice that your tongue is covered by a white layer. It is then very important to change your eating habits. Go for a purifying diet, which eliminates saturated fat, refined foods, dairy products and all types of frying.

On an emotional level, this language reveals a nervous or anxious state. Likewise, it should be remembered that these emotional states can lead to digestive problems. And a malfunction of the various organs vital for health.

Very smooth or flat tongue

It is a type of tongue that, in addition to revealing nutritional deficiencies, can also indicate a problem with anemia. In this case, it is advisable to increase your consumption of foods rich in vitamins C and iron.

On the emotional side, this may indicate that you are prone to depression or low morale.

The flaming tongue

It is a type of tongue that is a symptom of low levels of hemoglobin in the blood or else of anemia. 

Geographic language

This type of language gives the sensation of seeing a geographical map. Because it has similar “designs”, which can be pink, red or white.

It can be caused by a hereditary factor. But when it comes and goes, it may indicate that we are suffering from an allergy or intolerance to certain foods.

On an emotional level, these people tend to be very sensitive and get irritated with anything that bothers them.

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