The 7 Anti Aging Secrets From The Himalayas

Did you know that pomegranate juice may be more beneficial for heart health than green tea? It is rich in antioxidants and has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

You have certainly already heard of the many exceptional skills that people who live in the Himalayas have developed.

Some of them live for 100 years, in good physical and mental health. The experience of living in parts of Tibet, Bhutan, Nepal and India is truly amazing. Those who live there attribute it to certain habits that they follow every day.

Would you like to know the secrets against aging from the Himalayas? Do not miss this article!

Anti-aging remedies, natural version

How do the men and women of the Himalayas manage to live for more than a century? Where do they get their elixir of youth from? How do they manage to avoid disease and pain? That’s a lot of questions, for one and the same answer: they benefit from the benefits of our Mother Nature.

If we add to that the fact that they live in an area where mountains and fields are more common than buildings and smog, we have the perfect combination to decipher their secret.

There are different natural products that grow near the Himalayan mountain range, which are used to maintain good health and to prolong life.  The people of this region use them daily, and the results are excellent!

Secrets against aging in the Himalayas

Sleep well with ashwagandha

This is an Asian herb that the Tibetan people have used for many years. It helps sleep and treat insomnia. Adequate rest is essential for keeping yourself young, both in mind and body.

A study of ashwagandha has shown that consuming 100 mg of this herb just before going to bed is actually very effective for people who have difficulty falling asleep.

In addition to that, it helps reduce the release of the hormone cortisol and control stress.

Purify your heart by eating pomegranate

The pomegranate has many benefits for health, but especially for our heart. Modern science has shown that pomegranates, which grow wildly in the Himalayas, contain natural substances that can improve heart health.

Pure pomegranate juice is three times more beneficial for our health than green tea, for example. Just 60 grams daily is enough to dramatically improve heart health.

the himalayas

Gain 20 years of life expectancy with goji berries

Goji berries are one of the main contributors to the high life expectancy of Tibetans, which is 20 years longer than that of most Western countries. This miraculous berry is high in iron and vitamin C, which helps the body absorb iron.

Goji berries also have the highest concentration of antioxidants of any food on our planet, according to the ORAC scale. Drinking pure goji juice daily, or eating a raw berry straight away, allows you to enjoy optimal health.

Cure anxiety and discover inner peace with sandalwood tree

With a pungent and highly penetrating aroma, sandalwood tree has been used for centuries to reduce stress, eliminate anxiety, and cure depression. Some even apply sandalwood essential oil to the third eye (located in the center of the forehead) during deep meditation.

Sandalwood oil, or sandalwood paste (made with water and sandalwood powder), has calming effects on body and mind. Their aroma helps calm the nerves, relieve stress and uplift the spirit.

the himalayas

Calm the stomach with cardamom

If you regularly suffer from stomach aches, abdominal swelling, gas, or want to soothe your digestive tract and improve your digestion, do not hesitate to consume this miraculous herb or spice: cardamom.

This plant, widely used in oriental cuisine, has many properties. It stimulates appetite, protects the stomach, eliminates diarrhea and colic, decreases gas, prevents bad breath, stimulates and invigorates the mind, prevents colon cancer, and is a powerful pain reliever.

Use a spoonful of this spice, in its ground form, in your tea or coffee, and drink it ten minutes before each meal.

Shine with sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn (also known as maritime berry) is one of the latest elements discovered by modern medicine against the effects of aging, and in particular against that of our skin.

Native to Nepal, this tree produces orange, or reddish-colored fruits, which stimulate cellular renewal of the skin and protect it against damage from the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

Sea buckthorn contains antioxidant healing cells and omega 7, an extremely famous rejuvenating agent for our skin. To have shiny skin, use a moisturizer that contains sea buckthorn as the main ingredient.

Moreover, pure sea buckthorn oil is also very helpful in preventing and reducing stretch marks.

Cleanse your skin with neem leaves

Himalayan people bathe in hot water containing neem leaves to heal their wounds. The oil from the leaves of this tree has been used in Asia for over 2000 years.

In addition to having excellent aesthetic effects, neem leaves have astringent and healing properties.

It can cure diabetes and gout, counter symptoms of malaria and pneumonia, improve symptoms of arthritis and osteoarthritis, as well as calm the nerves, making it a relaxant. very powerful muscle.

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