The 5 Mistakes We Make In The Morning When We Wake Up

To activate us in the morning, there is nothing like a lukewarm shower. If possible, try to finish with a good spray of cold water.

The alarm clock rings and it’s time to start your day. How do you normally operate? Do you quickly get out of bed, shower, take a look at your look and go out?

The mistakes we make in the morning when we wake up are numerous, and they seriously affect our health.

We invite you to discover them all in our article, which will certainly interest you!

1. Never get out of bed quickly, always calmly

We often make two big mistakes in the morning. The first is to set a screeching alarm clock to wake us up, and the second is to get out of bed very quickly.

We must absolutely take into account that we have just spent between 6 and 8 hours in a horizontal position, and that our body must gradually get used to adopting a new posture.

Getting out of bed too quickly can make you feel dizzy. P so ake into account, today, these simple tips :

  • Get up calmly, as if it were a ritual of relaxation.
  • Set the alarm clock ten minutes before your due time, and choose relaxing music. Don’t use the classic “ beep-beep-beep ”.
  • The first thing to do is straighten up and sit on the bed, then breathe deeply for two minutes.
  • Do small stretches with the arms. Unite your hands and stretch your arms above your head, alternating the left side and the right side.
  • Relax your neck in small circular motions. Quietly.
  • Breathe well again, and then stand up. You are ready !

2. Do not leave your home without having eaten breakfast

You need to prepare the kids, get them to school, get to work on time, prepare lunches, shower, get dressed, take your pet out, etc. That’s a lot of things!

Sometimes you are very careful that others leave the house after you have had a good breakfast, without doing it yourself. This is a serious mistake!

  • Get up early to have time. It is important to get up calmly and have enough time to eat breakfast in a relaxed manner.
  • Some people start with a cup of coffee when they wake up, and nothing more. It is also a mistake. The ideal is to start with a glass of lukewarm lemon water, then have lunch about 15 to 20 minutes after. You can take the opportunity to take a shower for example. After that, you can have a good coffee, accompanying it with foods containing fiber and protein, as well as fruit. This way, you will leave your home with all the nutrients you need for your day, and with lots of energy!

3. Don’t look at your phone right after opening your eyes

woman sleeping with her cellphone

You have plenty of time to look at social networks, find out what the news is, or check your new posts.
Take it easy, you have all day to do it!

Your best bet is to wake up slowly, with no technology by your side.

Get up, take a shower, and have breakfast in front of a window to get some fresh air. It is much better to be relaxed to start the day, away from the electromagnetic waves emitted by these devices.

4. Do not shower in hot water

woman taking a shower

We all like hot water, but it is not always good for our bodies, especially in the morning.

During these first hours of the day, it is necessary that we reactivate our body, so it is not good to subject it to very high temperatures.

The ideal is to take a lukewarm shower, and finish with a trickle of cold water, especially on the legs.

Putting cold water on our legs will help us not to feel swollen or heavy during the day.
It will also reactivate the feet, which will be ready for another day of work.
Try it tomorrow, you will see the good it will do you!

5. Don’t leave your home in a bad mood

A long day at work awaits you, you get out of your house quickly, and you have plenty of things to do.

You feel very tired, and you wonder how you are going to be able to last all day. It is a very common condition, which most people complain about in the morning.

Negative thoughts can create barriers to our well-being, decreasing our quality of life without even realizing it.

We do things backwards, and we no longer take an interest in important tasks.
Take the test in the morning when you wake up. Leave the house with a different attitude, trying to “install” the following ideas in your mind:

  • Today everything is going to be fine, I’m sure it’s going to be a great day.
  • You have to take advantage of everything I have, and everything that happens to me. I will go out relaxed, walk to work, looking at everything around me: people, shops, parks, etc.
  • I will see the bright side of my co-workers and my bosses.
  • I will have to surpass myself at work.  The most important thing is that I feel proud of myself.
  • When my day is over, I’m going to have a little fun. Something simple: drink coffee in a place I love, walk in the park, or phone that person I haven’t seen in a long time.


As you can see, the mistakes we make when we get up in the morning are very numerous. We forget some basic aspects of our life, and it costs us a bit of our health every day.

Keep in mind that our quality of life is built on simple things and great daily optimism.
Are you going to put all of this into practice?

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