Take Care Of Your Skin: 9 Things To Do

Even if we are often very tired at night and we do not necessarily want to follow a “beauty routine”, some very simple habits such as removing makeup or hydrating the skin can be decisive.

The majority of women want to look beautiful when they wake up. However, the stress and fatigue of the day mean that we go to bed without performing the few essential beauty actions for our skin.

What we do not take into account is that our body performs different tasks during the night to promote the renewal of our skin.

This is what allows us to be radiant in the morning! By not following a certain “beauty routine” at night, many blemishes can appear. This promotes the aging of our skin and can even accelerate it.

For all these reasons, it is important to adopt good habits for our skin. They do not necessarily take a long time and are essential to preserve our skin.

In the rest of this article, we’re going to share with you 9 great habits you can achieve every night. With these tips, your skin will be radiant every morning.

1. Use makeup remover

Never fall asleep with your makeup on. Cosmetics make us feel beautiful, but they can clog our pores and cause blackheads.

Buy cleansing milk directly from the supermarket. If you want to go for a more natural solution, use castor or almond essential oil.

Don’t forget to remove all of your mascara and black pencil. Indeed, these two products tend to weaken the eyelashes if they are in contact with them for too long.

2. Wash your face with cold water

Even if you don’t necessarily want to feel cold water on your skin at night, it’s still one of the best habits to adopt.

Washing your face will allow you to remove all the impurities encrusted in your pores. It will also help tone your skin and close large pores.

Use a mild, natural soap to avoid altering your pH.

3. Use a body moisturizer

Apply a generous amount of moisturizer to your skin every night. It will be soft and well hydrated.

This cosmetic product helps retain the natural oils of the skin and prevent the development of imperfections caused by dryness of the epidermis.

Keep in mind that you need to use a different cream for your face  because the skin on the face is much more fragile than the skin on the body.

4. Apply petroleum jelly to your feet

Without us noticing it, our feet get dry year after year. They develop calluses which make them look bad.

This happens because we forget to give them extra hydration and special care. The goal of this treatment is to remove dead skin that can accumulate on our feet.

If you apply a little petroleum jelly every night to your feet, you will moisten and soften their skin to improve their appearance in no time.

5. Use a cream for the area around your eyes

The more you take care of your eyes, the less risk you will have of developing premature wrinkles, such as the famous crow’s feet for example.

This area of ​​the face is extremely sensitive and tends to weaken quickly, especially because of UV rays and toxins.

For this reason, we recommend that you use a night cream before going to bed, in order to repair and firm your skin.

This product will allow you to reduce inflammation and dark circles that often make you look tired in the morning.

6. Pluck your eyebrows

If you prefer to pluck your eyelashes at home rather than in a beauty salon, we recommend that you do this in the evening before going to bed.

By adopting this habit, you will be giving your skin time to relax. In this way, the redness due to the extraction of the hairs will have time to subside.

Plucking your eyebrows at night is a good habit for another reason: your weakened skin will not be directly exposed to UV rays emitted by the sun.

7. Moisturize your cuticles

To keep nails strong and well hydrated, it is essential to provide them with nutrients through the cuticles.

If you don’t have hand cream, rub a small amount of olive or coconut oil on your cuticles.

8. Whiten your teeth

Even though it is not possible to completely whiten stained teeth, weekly brushing with baking soda can still quickly restore them to their original color.

Apply the product directly to your toothbrush and use it as usual. Then leave on for a few minutes and rinse.

9. Take care of your eyelashes

After removing all of your makeup, apply a little castor oil to your lashes to nourish them and give them volume.

This product will help you strengthen them and prevent their fall. In addition, it will stimulate them so that they can develop naturally.

In conclusion, dedicate a few minutes of your evening to the realization of these good habits to find all your beauty and your youth during the night.

By following all of these tips, you will be able to achieve good results with small changes.

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