Slimming By Controlling The Amount Of Food

When we are no longer hungry but could continue to eat, it is advisable to drink an infusion to calm this feeling. In this way, we will succeed in not eating more.

We have all already heard that to lose weight, you need to eat less and therefore reduce the quantities.

However, it is important to know how to eat in small quantities and in a balanced way to lose weight because otherwise we could have nutritional deficiencies or gain weight in a short time.

In this article, we give you some basic tips on how to eat sensibly, control amounts, and achieve the ideal weight without effort or sacrifice.

The stomach adapts to quantities

The stomach has a marvelous virtue: it quickly adapts to the amount of food you eat.

Indeed, if we get used to eating at more or less fixed times, with the passage of time, the body will ask us for the same quantities at these precise times.

This feature can facilitate our goal to a great extent.

However, it is essential to provide the body with all the nutrients it needs because otherwise it could react negatively and prevent weight loss.

lose weight and reduce quantities

How to reduce the quantities

To start adapting our stomachs to the amounts we want to eat, we must follow the following tips: 

  • Avoid going more than 4 or 5 hours without eating. It is important not to ingest food before having completed all the digestion, but it is also essential not to be fasting for too long because it encourages us to eat more during the next meal.
  • Between meals, you can eat fresh fruit, yogurt or something made from whole grains.
    These are very satiating foods which, with a small amount, provide us with a lot of nutrients.
  • Outside of meals, we must get used to drinking lots of water or infusions, because we often confuse thirst and hunger, which causes us to eat without being hungry.

When does hunger go away?

Some studies show that real hunger lasts no more than 15 or 20 minutes.

Thus, people who eat slowly and chew food well have the great advantage of being full sooner than those who eat quickly and impulsively.

You can try to take the test, taking enough time and chewing each food until it is almost liquid.

It will also improve the whole digestive process and allow you to eat less without going hungry.

Emotional hunger and quantities

Why do most people who overeat need to fill their stomachs in order to feel satisfied?

We often confuse the urge to eat to satisfy our hunger with the feeling of fullness that we have when we eat a lot.

In many cases, this need is related to emotional deprivation, states of sadness and melancholy, or times of stress and exhaustion.

The body seeks to fill emotional voids and gain energy in this way.

However, if we do not regain control over the amounts, the effects tend to be much more negative, as we eat harmful foods, we hamper digestion. In addition, we have remorse which increases the feeling of guilt.

hungry woman

The key is 80%

We must learn to find satisfaction in being able to finish eating when we are already no longer hungry but could eat a little more.

We must know how to seize this moment when we tend to eat less than what suits us, whether it is a second plate of the main course or a dessert.

To have an idea, we should fill ourselves to 80% of our capacity.

The first few days it will be difficult to stop at this point if we are not used to it.

An effective solution may be to resort to a digestive infusion to calm this feeling of emptiness.

In a matter of minutes, you will notice that the hunger goes away, and with the passage of time, you will naturally do so.

Plus, filling up to 80% has another advantage. It doesn’t overload the digestive system and we don’t need a long rest to regain energy. This is often the case when we eat more than we need or foods that are too heavy.

In this way, we will feel active and able to do any activity soon after eating.

In the evening, on the contrary, our liver will function much better. We will be able to rest more easily and wake up with vitality and good humor.

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