Sit-ups For A Flatter Stomach

It is essential to combine a healthy and natural diet with physical exercises in order to strengthen the abdominal area and lose fat mass.

Whatever the season, we want to have a beautiful figure and a flat stomach, especially in summer. But how do you get there? The ideal is to follow a series of exercises.

The abdominals are the most recommended exercises, although there are other training methods that we will present to you in the rest of this article.

Surely you already know that the abdominals are used not only to burn fat, but also to strengthen and shape the muscles of the stomach.

In order to lose a few pounds and to slim your waistline, it is essential that you follow a healthy and balanced diet. Thus, you will obtain lasting results, and above all, much faster.

Work your abdominal muscles to see these little “squares” appear which are so popular with both men and women.

It is important to alternate or vary the exercises so that the body does not get used to the same series.

Hundreds of options are at your disposal to move your body and eliminate all the fat accumulated in the abdominal muscles: high, medium, low, lumbar and obliques.

Set of exercises for a flatter stomach # 1

This series is used to work all regions, and consists of the following exercises:

  • Sit with your back straight, and pull your chest out. Support your body by placing your hands behind, then raise your legs, and bring your knees closer to the abdomen or chest.

Bend and stretch the legs alternately so that the right elbow touches the left knee and vice versa.

  • Lie on your back, then place your hands under your buttocks. Then raise and lower your legs, always keeping them straight. When you lower them, contract your abdominal muscles.
  • Keep the same position as before, but extend your legs upwards, then drop them to the sides, without touching the floor. Perform three sets, repeating this exercise 15 times for each leg.
  • Lie on your stomach, and place your hands next to your head, then lift your back a little. Your legs should be as still as possible to work the lumbar area.
  • To slim the waist, stand up and take a broom or stick, and place it behind your head, holding it by the ends. Contract your abdomen and tilt your torso to the left side.

Return to the starting position, then complete four sets repeating this exercise 20 times before moving to the right side.

belly dancer

Set of exercises for a flatter stomach n ° 2

Here is another of the most effective routine that will help you achieve abs and a flat stomach:

  • Perform “normal” abs, that is, lie on your back, flex your legs, and keep the soles of your feet glued to the floor.

Raise and lower your upper body while supporting the back of your neck with your hands. Do four sets, repeating this exercise 50 times.

  • Use a fixed bar to work the lower abdomen. Catch it with both hands, and let the body “hang” in an upright position.

Lift your legs, then bend your knees so that they touch the torso. This exercise requires more effort than the others, but it is really effective. Perform four sets repeating 10 times, this will be enough for this session!

  • Lie on your side to work the oblique muscles. Support your body through your forearm and the side of the foot. Raise your hip, and hold the position for a minute, without lowering. Do four sets, repeating this exercise 10 times before switching sides.
  • Lie on your stomach to work the lumbar part. Try to raise your back as much as possible. You can lie down on a bench so that your body is not directly on the floor, and this exercise is more effective. Perform three sets, repeating 15 times.
  • Finally, here is an exercise known as “the table”. Support your body using your forearms and the tips of your feet. They should be as still as possible. Contract the abdomen, and hold the position for at least a minute.

abdominals to have a flat stomach

Set of exercises for a flatter stomach n ° 3

  • The first exercise to draw the abdominals is the “curl”. Lie down on a bench, letting your legs “hang” down from the knee. Place both arms behind the ears.

Contract your abdominal muscles so that you can lift your torso. Be careful not to make this effort with the help of your back, but with the help of your stomach. Do four sets, repeating this exercise 30 times.

  • The second exercise is called the “incline curl”. To do this, the bench must be tilted vertically until the head “touches the ground”.
  • Cross your arms at chest level. Lift your torso 45 ° and lower it without your back completely touching the bench
  • The third exercise is called the “incline curl with deceleration”. Sit on a bench with your arms crossed at chest level. Lower the torso back to 45 °. Lift the torso forward to return to the starting position. Your back should always be straight.

Continuation of the exercises

  • The fourth exercise in this series helps to slim the stomach and is called “bending the legs on a bench”. Sit on the edge of the bench with your back tilted slightly back.

Use your forearms to support yourself. Stretch your legs forward, then bend your knees while bringing them closer to the abdomen. Return to the previous position by stretching the legs, then perform three sets repeating this exercise 15 times.

  • The fifth exercise is called “leg elevation”. You should lie down with your hands on both sides of the bench, then lift your legs keeping them straight. When lowering them, be careful that they do not touch the bench. This exercise works the lower abdominals.
  • The last exercise is called “dumbbell lateral” and is used to work the oblique muscles. Standing, take a dumbbell in each hand, and let the arms hang down on either side of the body.

Tilt your torso to one side until the dumbbell touches the knee. Return to the starting position, then repeat, leaning to the other side.

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