Simple Tips To Make Your Stoves Like New: Check Them Out!

These tips can be of great use to us if our stoves are not badly damaged and to prevent deterioration. Otherwise, if they are too damaged, to avoid problems, it is better to throw them away.

Stoves are our best allies in the kitchen, but their continuous use means that, little by little, we are no longer able to recover them with each wash.

They burn, the food sticks. They get scratched and all this affects the quality of the food we eat.

It does not matter whether they are made of earth, ceramic, Teflon or iron. All stoves have a lifespan which depends on how we take care of them.

Likewise, be aware that when a pan is badly deteriorated, it can spread toxic elements in the food we cook.

This is important data that must be observed as we use them. It is never too much to know some of the simple tips that can help maintain their quality.

With a good cleaning and some homemade strategies, we will have brand new stoves! In this article, we explain everything to you. 

New frying pans with salt and potato

Maybe you’ll be surprised, but to clean a burnt pan, nothing better than salt and a potato.

On this site, we have already told you several times about the benefits of salt for cleaning at home. He’s fascinating. In addition to being inexpensive, it is able to remove all types of dirt, overcome humidity, and disinfect and recover different types of surfaces.

Regarding the potato, it is not by chance either.

The potatoes and the salt act together as exfoliators, able to respect the material of the kitchen utensil. They loosen the grease and clean.

Take note of what to do.


  • 1 tablespoon of coarse salt (12 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of oil (5 g)
  • a potato

How to do ?

  • First, choose a potato (any, the most damaged in the kitchen) and cut it in half.
  • Rub it on the pan to remove any sauces or food and add a spoonful of coarse salt.
  • Then, using the cut potato, start rubbing the pan in circles.
  • Rinse it and dry it.
  • Finally, add a spoonful of olive oil to protect the surface until the next use.

How to clean a cast iron pan?

Cooking experts tell us that the more you use a cast iron pan, the better the dishes.

But the intense use causes that, little by little, the food sticks to the bottom. After a while, the water and the washing-up liquid are not enough to clean them properly.

Moisture that remains on the pans after washing causes the food to taste different.

We are going to give you a good tip for cleaning your precious iron pan, the one with which you will continue to prepare your favorite dishes.

How to clean a cast iron skillet


  • Aluminum foil
  • 1 tablespoon of coarse salt (12 g)


  • The procedure is similar to the previous one with the potato. Here, the aluminum foil will help us to exert more force on the surface, but without damaging it at any time.
  • Just rub the inside of the pan with the aluminum foil and salt for a few minutes until the first is completely darkened. Then rinse and remove any remaining salt.

The result is sensational.

Clean your pans with vinegar and baking soda

Classic. As you know, in the household of the house, vinegar and sodium bicarbonate are indispensable elements.

They disinfect, remove grease and dirt, and help us absorb moisture.

Take note of the intricacies of this tip.

Clean your pans with vinegar and baking soda


  • 1 tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate (10 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of white vinegar (20 ml)
  • 1 glass of hot water (200 ml)

How to do ?

  • The first thing to do is to heat the water. However, the amount of water will depend on the size of the pan.
  • Once it is hot, pour it into the pan with the two spoonfuls of white vinegar. Then leave it on for 5 minutes.
  • When the time is up, remove some of the water, leaving a little more than half.
  • Then add the baking soda and, using a small brush, scrub off the more resistant grease.
  • Finally, remove this dirty water and the baking soda, then wash the pan normally, with soap and water.

You will see that it will end up like new!

To conclude, remember that if your stoves are too burnt or deteriorated, it is better to throw them away and buy new ones.

Otherwise, you run the risk of transmitting contaminating and dangerous elements to your cooked food.

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