Recipe For Onion Jam

Depending on how you cook your onions, you will get different nuances in taste. If you put them in the oven rather than boiling them in water, you will get a stronger flavor.

The onion jam is as original as it is tasty! It is a perfect and delicious accompaniment that can be added to many dishes.

We speak for example of the aperitif, or of accompaniment for meat or fish. Of course, it can also be used to make cheese toast. This onion jam allows you to innovate in your kitchen!

This onion jam is sweet. In addition, it is very easy to prepare. It will bring a touch of originality to your kitchen,  and you will love it!

As we already know, the onion is wonderful in all its forms. Healthy, tasty, beneficial, it is essential in our daily life and in our cuisine. He has also had a lot of success lately. So do not hesitate, prepare this onion jam.

You and your family will be delighted!

The benefits of onion jam

  • Anti-anemic property: Onion is an excellent source of iron, phosphorus and vitamin E. It helps us maintain and strengthen red blood cells.
  • Diuretic and depurative: Thanks to its potassium content, it helps to eliminate the accumulation of fluid. The onion also regulates blood pressure.
  • Source of vitamin B: Onion is an excellent source of vitamin B and magnesium. It improves our nervous system and our muscular system. It is a good source to recharge your batteries and have a better quality of life!
  • Antioxidant: Thanks to its content of vitamin A and C, and thanks to its flavonoids, we will have a good dose of antioxidants by eating onion.
  • It regulates constipation: The onion fights constipation and regulates the digestive system. It also helps us prevent intestinal parasites.

The recipe for onion jam

Onion jam recipe.

Onion jam is very easy to make. First, you will have to select a set of glass jars to be able to store it better.

Here we are going to prepare a kilo of jam:  therefore calculate an adequate number of jars to be able to accommodate and keep all the onion jam in good condition!

We also have to tell you that to prepare the onion, we prefer to bake it in the oven rather than boil it in water. This will give it a really more special and pronounced taste.

But you can do as you see fit, everyone has their preferences! Besides, some people even prefer to cook it over a wood fire. It all depends of course on your tastes.


  • 1 kg of sweet onions
  • 500 g of sugar


  1. We start by putting the aluminum foil on the baking sheet. Now we peel the onions and wash them well.
    Then, they are placed on this baking sheet with a little olive oil and salt. Heat the oven to 200 degrees and cook for 35 to 40 minutes.
    It will be necessary to check that they cook well on all sides: for this, we will have to turn them from time to time.
  2. When the onions are golden, take them out and let them rest for a few minutes. Meanwhile, prepare a saucepan with a little more than three glasses of water and the sugar.
    Then introduce the grilled onions and cook them over normal heat for half an hour. It will be necessary to stir all the time so that they do not stick. They will then take on an adequate consistency little by little. We will see how the whole caramelizes by taking a dark and attractive color.
    Be careful though: the onions should not burn or stick together. If it ever happens even a little, the taste of the jam will be totally different!
  3. It is left to stand for about ten minutes. This allows the mixture to be more consistent. Now we can place the onion jam in the glass jars.
    To keep it well, you can cook the pots in a bain-marie. Put them tightly closed in a saucepan with water. As soon as it boils, we will hear the special sound that makes “pop”: it means that they are ready!

Preparation of onion jam.

The recipe we have just presented to you is sweet and caramelized. There are also other versions. For example, some people prefer to introduce balsamic vinegar, butter and 200 grams of brown sugar with as much onion.

Others also add a little honey. But the recipe proposed here is much simpler, and on top of that, baking the onions makes them taste delicious. If you love cooking like this and love to mix flavors, don’t hesitate to make this fabulous onion jam!

There is also a delicious way to consume this jam. It is in fact to take whole wheat toast (as can be seen in the photograph). Then put a light slice of goat cheese on the toast, and on top, a teaspoon of onion jam.

It is a sublime and original entry, your guests will love!

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