Protein Smoothie With Green Vegetables And Hemp

A combination of green vegetables and hemp seeds allows us to obtain an interesting amount of omega 3 fatty acids and protein. Find out how to make the most of it with a healthy protein smoothie.

The Protein Smoothie with Green Vegetables and Hemp is one of the recipes that can best complement a diet when the goal is to gain muscle mass and maintain a healthy weight. In addition to promoting muscle recovery, it is energetic and helps control anxiety. Do you dare to try it?

This drink has become popular among athletes and fitness enthusiasts. This is a way to get a little extra protein without resorting to industrial supplements. In addition, thanks to its combination of organic ingredients, it promotes well-being without adding too many calories to the diet.

The benefits of a protein smoothie with green vegetables and hemp

In addition to helping with muscle building and recovery, the Green Vegetable and Hemp Protein Smoothie has other health benefits. Its inclusion in the regular diet helps cover the body’s protein needs, promoting its functions.

Proteins are macronutrients that are part of the body’s main structures. They influence the functions of the metabolism, the segregation of hormones and muscles, among others. Therefore, their absorption is essential for preventing disease and maintaining a healthy weight.

Hemp seeds for a protein smoothie

However, in this particular case, the proteins are obtained mainly from hemp seeds, a digestible plant food, which does not contain gluten. It also provides omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants which are essential for being in good shape.

By combining hemp with green vegetables, you will get a low calorie drink that can be incorporated into any type of diet. Its consumption increases energy levels, reduces food anxiety and preserves muscle mass, especially in people who exercise at high intensity.

Green vegetable and hemp protein smoothie recipe

To make this protein smoothie with green vegetables and hemp, we will be using other healthy ingredients such as banana, which helps to increase the energy level. We also suggest using the delicious almond milk as a base, which contains a significant amount of omega 3 fatty acids and amino acids.


  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 5 kale leaves
  • 1 tablespoon of tahini or sesame butter (15 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of hemp seeds (30 g)
  • 2 cups of almond milk (500 ml)
  • 1/2 cup of goji berries (60 g)
  • Crushed nuts and hemp seeds (for decoration)


  • To start, peel the ripe bananas and cut them into several pieces.
  • Wash the cabbage leaves well and put them in the blender.
  • Add the banana pieces, then the almond milk.
  • Blend for 15 to 20 seconds until the mixture is smooth.
  • Then add the spoonful of tahini, the hemp seeds and the goji berries.
  • Keep blending, this time until you have a smooth, lumpy drink.
  • Finally, serve the drink and decorate it with nuts and seeds.
  • Consume immediately, before or after training. If you prefer, have it for afternoon tea.

To keep in mind!

The protein smoothie of green vegetables and hemp is only a food supplement. Its consumption is not intended to replace meals or other dietary supplements. Although it helps maintain muscle mass and weight, it does not have miraculous effects.

This clarification is very important, as many consumers have the misconception that they can take this type of drink as a replacement for their protein supplements. Indeed, many come to think that their intake is more than enough to keep them in shape.

As healthy as they may be, protein shakes don’t work on their own. It is necessary to support their consumption with a healthy diet and physical exercise in order to build muscle mass, fight against overweight and obtain many other benefits.

How about making this drink at home? As you have just seen, it is a good supplement to add a little extra protein to your diet. In addition, thanks to its other healthy ingredients, this smoothie helps support a good diet and promote well-being. Enjoy it!

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