Online Psychologist: Online Therapy Available To Everyone

Online therapy makes it easier for people to access psychological care. In addition, you do not have to move anywhere, it is comfortable and allows you to create a more intimate environment.

The digital world and the Internet are changing our reality. The field of psychotherapy is no stranger to their influence, nor to their potential, and that arguably explains why the online psychologist is all the rage. Traditional therapy has progressed and although the challenges are many, the benefits of online therapy are undeniable.

On the other hand, we have to admit something: we are an increasingly busy society. We have long working days, we come and go, we plan, we organize…  Time has become a scarce commodity and we value both the immediacy and the quality of the services we receive.

Online therapy: a good opportunity to achieve well-being

The field of psychology is aware of this and sees clear advantages in this perspective. Studies like the one published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research in 2018 tell us something important about this. Online therapy facilitates the population’s access to psychological attention,  brings them closer and adapts to schedules as well as to individual needs.

Thus, in a world where mental health is still heavily neglected, the figure of the online psychologist is gradually making its way, with strength and relevance. Any change, as Albert Ellis said, can be a good opportunity to achieve the well-being so desired.

Online counseling: why is online therapy triumphing?

An online psychologist.

Many people seek psychological help on a daily basis. There are many reasons why they use the Internet as a primary resource to meet their needs, problems or vital challenges. They can nevertheless be summed up in a few very concrete points. These are the following:

  • We have the option of choosing our own psychologist online. Just read the profile, experience and specialty of each professional to choose the one that best suits our needs.
  •  We save time. There is no need to move or wait for your turn. Just make an appointment and connect with the psychologist online through any electronic device.
  • Distances do not exist. It should be taken into account that many people who choose therapy online do so because they cannot find a therapist in the area where they live. Or because their work has taken them to countries where professionals do not speak their mother tongue. In these cases, online counseling is their best resource.
  • Proximity, privacy and discretion. Receiving psychological help online allows us to create a safe environment. We are at home, we feel comfortable and relaxed in a family environment where everything is under control. This facilitates a good therapeutic link with our online psychologist.

Free online psychologist for times of crisis

We all know times of crisis. Separations, emotional or professional problems, stress, anxiety, addictions …

If there is one thing we all know, it is that receiving specialized psychological help is not easy if we follow the traditional path. We can end up with long waiting lists or even with inefficient attention due to the overload of social security psychologists and psychiatrists.

We can use the private sector, but sometimes the prices exceed our budget. However, you should know that some professionals may dedicate certain hours to free assistance. This is a one-off thing. They can choose not to charge us for this attention by chat  or videoconference.

The online psychologist is, in general, a specialized professional who makes a living from his work. This therapeutic model is the one that works best and it is also the most valid because there is a commitment, a self-demand and an authentic link with the patient so that he progresses, so that he reaches the well- be and balance.

Therefore, we can seek free online psychological help. Nevertheless, it is important to know that it is very easy to find a psychologist online at an affordable price.  Thanks to this, we will be able to have a series of sessions that will undoubtedly guarantee therapeutic progress.

The Online Psychologist: Does It Really Work?

A patient and a doctor online.

Many people do: they go out and seek psychological help online. As you click and search for that psychologist who best suits our needs, it is common to wonder if this will actually work, if online therapy is as effective as traditional therapy.

The answer is yes, and for a very simple reason: in reality, the relationship of the psychologist and his patient in videoconference is not that different from a face-to-face session. There is one factor that makes this possible: empathy. It guarantees the effectiveness of therapy by creating active trust between two people.

Thanks to this fine skill in any good professional in psychology, we can read the patient’s emotions through a screen, detect needs, fears, anxieties …  Emotional proximity is real and no matter the distance or the oceans that there are in between. It is possible to align ourselves to create commitments for change, to offer strategies and serve as guides in this journey towards well-being.

Online psychologists are the future and  therapy is changing, adapting to people’s real needs.  We can all benefit from it.

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