Natural Way To Lower Blood Pressure

There are alternative treatments that can complement traditional treatment for hypertension. Are they effective? What does the research say? Discover one of the most popular treatments here.

Blood pressure is the force produced by the heart to carry blood through the arteries to the organs. The higher the blood pressure, the more effort the heart has to make to pump blood.

When the blood pressure value is not between the thresholds considered healthy, the pressure can cause damage to the blood vessels and serious problems in the heart muscle.

In adults, normal blood pressure levels are :

  • 120 mm Hg when the heart beats during physical activity
  • 80 mm Hg when it is at rest.

The level is considered to be above normal when the first measurement reaches 140 mm Hg and the second 90 mm Hg.

What is most worrying about hypertension is that there are no obvious symptoms unless you are going through a very complicated period. This “silence” is quite dangerous, as it prevents receiving timely treatment before the situation worsens.

Do In or acupressure, a method to lower blood pressure

Blood pressure measurement

High blood pressure is a condition that comes with many health risks. This is why before testing any alternative method, it is essential to consult a doctor and follow the treatment prescribed by the latter. Usually, the healthcare professional suggests a combination of several medications, as well as lifestyle changes.

However, there are other therapeutic methods that have shown positive effects in controlling hypertension. But it is important to keep in mind that there is no scientific evidence at this time that it is possible to replace conventional treatment with any of these methods. Even before using these methods as a supplement, it is best to talk to your doctor.

Here we particularly want to talk about a method from traditional Chinese medicine, Do In or acupressure. This technique consists of exerting pressure on several points of the body in order to stimulate them and thus obtain health benefits. This method could be a good addition when it comes to treating hypertension. The reason ? Positive effects have been observed in hypertensive patients.

Although there is not enough research on the subject yet, a recent study published in  Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine suggests that this method may be part of a medical program to lower blood pressure. 

Likewise, a study published in the medical journal Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine  specifies that this type of method can complement pharmacological treatment aimed at regulating heart rate and blood pressure.

We would like to emphasize that the treatment prescribed by your doctor should not be replaced by these alternative methods. The ideal would be to discuss it with your doctor before having recourse to it in order to avoid possible problems. Let’s see in the rest of this article what are the recommended pressure points.

Pressure points 1 and 2

Pressure point 1 is at the posterior part of the earlobe. Point 2 is located in the center of the collarbone. Imagine a line connecting them and run through it using gentle pressure with your fingertips. Repeat the movement ten times on each side of the neck.

Pressure point 3

After massaging pressure points 1 and 2, find point 3 which is half a centimeter from the earlobe towards the nose. Then exert gentle pressure with your fingertips and massage lightly for one minute on each side.

Good lifestyle habits to lower blood pressure

In addition to acupressure, there are other ways to approach blood pressure to complement medical treatment. These are even measures that the healthcare professional advises both to control and prevent hypertension. For the results of this technique to be permanent, it is essential to change your lifestyle.

According to research published on JRSM Cardiovascular Disease, there is some evidence that salt, bad habits, and nutrition influence blood pressure behavior. Lifestyle changes should therefore be made if one suffers from hypertension.

Discover in the rest of this article the other recommendations made in this same publication to control blood pressure.

Avoid excessive salt intake

Two spoons of salt

The Excessive salt consumption has become a major cause of the increasing number of patients with hypertension. In addition to the salt that is added to dishes, there is also salt found in processed and canned products.

You should therefore always look at the labels carefully and buy products without salt or very low in sodium. In addition, at home, you can replace salt with healthy spices which also enhance the taste of food.

Consume more omega-3

Omega-3 fatty acids are recognized as allies of cardiovascular health. The Spanish Heart Foundation (FEC) also considers them to be allies in controlling cholesterol levels.

This study published in  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences argues that these fatty acids positively influence the regulation of blood pressure. It is therefore recommended to consume the following foods:

  • sea ​​food
  • olive oil
  • chia and flax seeds
  • fish (salmon, tuna, sardines, herring, cod)

Avoid cigarettes

The toxic compounds and stimulants in cigarettes increase blood pressure, beyond normal levels, as shown in this study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

One should not simply avoid smoking: it is necessary to stop completely to prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases and the respiratory system.

Losing weight

Overweight and obesity are factors that negatively affect heart health and blood pressure. 

It is essential to lose at least 10% of body mass to start regulating pressure, cholesterol and blood circulation.

Play sports

Elderly couple exercising

Exercising for about 30 minutes every day is a good start to enjoying better cardiovascular health. This type of activity helps to activate blood circulation, to manage stress and, consequently, to regulate blood pressure.

In short …

Some alternative therapies may be beneficial in lowering blood pressure, but there is not enough medical research on the subject yet. They should therefore not replace prescribed pharmacological treatments, they should be considered as supplements. 

In addition, it is necessary to make lifestyle changes in order to avoid complications from increased pressure. Likewise, it is essential to carry out regular checks, especially after the detection of anomalies.

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