Natural Remedies To Treat Laryngitis

Laryngitis is characterized by hoarseness, sore throat and dry cough. It is usually caused by inflammation of the vocal cords or by infections. Can we fight it with natural remedies? We tell you here!

Natural remedies to treat laryngitis are treatment options that can serve as an adjunct to the symptoms of this disease. Laryngitis is inflammation of the larynx, or vocal cords, in an area in the front of the throat.

It is due to overuse, irritation or the presence of infection in that area. Its characteristic symptom is distortion of the voice, broken, although it can be accompanied by swallowing problems, sore throat, dry cough and feeling of dryness, among other annoyances.

Mild cases usually get better on their own in about a week; However, it is advisable to try some natural preparations that help calm your symptoms. It is also important to be aware of any complications, as a doctor’s intervention may be necessary.

4 natural remedies to treat laryngitis

According to information from the Mayo Clinic, laryngitis can be acute when it is short-lived; however, it can also be a chronic problem if it persists over time. In the latter case, further testing is needed, as they may indicate an undiagnosed condition of further attention.

Mild cases are often due to common viral infections or too much voice pressure. This is why some natural remedies can help. However, if you have any doubts, be sure to consult your doctor before trying. Let’s look at 4 options.

1. Fresh garlic with honey

A remedy with garlic and honey to cure laryngitis

One of the useful natural remedies for laryngitis is fresh garlic combined with honey. While there is no evidence that such a combination relieves this condition, there are individual studies that speak of its benefits against infection and irritation.

A review of studies published in the Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine points out that garlic has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties that may be helpful in infections of the respiratory system.

Sources such as the Canadian Family Physician suggest that honey may help with cough relief in children over one year of age, which also has an impact on laryngitis relief. Be careful not to give it to infants under 12 months of age because of their poor immunity to bacteria such as Clostridium botulinum , which can cause infant botulism.

How to prepare this remedy?

  • Just crush a raw garlic clove and mix it with a spoonful of organic honey. You can consume the remedy up to two times a day.

2. Gargles with salt water

A traditional remedy for throat problems such as laryngitis is to gargle with salt water. According to popular literature, it is a useful preparation for reducing irritation. However, as the National Health Service (NHS) points out, this is not a good option for children.

How to prepare this remedy?

  • First, dilute half a teaspoon of salt – 2 grams – in a glass of water.
  • Then gargle for two or three minutes. Avoid swallowing the liquid.
  • Repeat the remedy twice a day.

3. Inhalation of eucalyptus vapor

A simple remedy that can be helpful in calming laryngitis and its symptoms is inhaling eucalyptus fumes. In fact, it’s a remedy that may also help with the discomfort of the flu, colds and sore throats, according to a review published in the Flavor and Fragrance Journal .

How to prepare this remedy?

  • Just add 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil in boiling water.
  • Then pour the contents into a bowl, walk up and cover your head with a towel. Inhale the vapors for 5 minutes.

Eucalyptus inhalation is perfect for fighting laryngitis

4. Apple vinegar gargles

Apple cider vinegar preparations have various applications in traditional medicine, although evidence for their safety and effectiveness is lacking. However, their use in gargles is generally safe and could be useful due to the antimicrobial properties of this ingredient.

How to prepare this remedy?

  • Dilute a tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar in a glass of hot water.
  • Gargle for two or three minutes and spit out.
  • Repeat this twice a day, until you feel an improvement.

What other remedies can be used for laryngitis?

In addition to the above remedies, there are other tips that can be helpful in relieving laryngitis. Such as those published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information , which include:

  • Rest your voice and avoid excessive effort
  • Avoid irritants such as alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine
  • Increase fluid intake
  • Avoid spicy and fatty foods
  • Do not take antibiotics unless prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication can be negative

Ultimately, it’s important to note that any sign of complication should be treated by a professional. The doctor will be the only one to determine if other treatment options are necessary. Keep this in mind!

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