Natural And Simple Ways To Control Cholesterol

Although we do not create it, in addition to following a balanced diet, it is very important that we learn to control stress in order to prevent stress. our cholesterol levels go up.

Cholesterol is an increasingly frequent problem which causes an alteration in our usual analyzes. If we do not get it under control in time, it can lead to serious cardiovascular problems. It is therefore necessary to know how to control cholesterol.

In this article, we share the 9 easiest and most effective natural procedures to control cholesterol without having to take drugs.

Within a few weeks, you will notice the surprising results of these remedies.

The origin of cholesterol

When our bad cholesterol (LDL) levels are too high, the culprits are always animal foods.

  • However, we should really focus on trans fats. These unsaturated fatty acids are found in fried foods, industrial pastries, sauces, margarines, precooked foods, ice cream, etc.
  • We should also keep in mind that stress is a risk factor in our cholesterol levels. Even if our diet is balanced, continued stress will not allow bad cholesterol to drop.
  • The third unusual factor that can alter cholesterol levels is liver dysfunction. We can improve liver function with bitter plants such as wormwood, milk thistle or dandelion.

Procedures to control it

1. Canary seed milk

seed milk for cholesterol control

The drink that is made with canary seeds is a very effective remedy for controlling cholesterol.

  • These seeds are rich in essential fatty acids, they are also beneficial in lowering triglycerides and promoting weight loss.

2. Garlic cure

Garlic is an ancient medicinal food that helps us prevent and treat multiple disorders, such as cholesterol and triglycerides. Its powerful vasodilator effect prevents all types of cardiovascular disease.

Garlic is also a natural antibiotic and a very cleansing food. To benefit from its properties, we must consume it raw or through the surprising and ancient cure with Tibetan garlic.

3. Raw carrot

Raw carrot lowers cholesterol levels thanks to its positive effect on liver function.

  • To get the most of its benefits, we must consume it every day before meals, grated or in homemade juice.
  • We should eat at least two a day.

4. Season with ginger

Ginger is an exotic, refreshing and aromatic spice that should not be missing in our diet. This spicy root brings many health benefits and is a good seasoning for our daily dishes.

  • To help us reduce high cholesterol levels, we can gradually introduce it into our diet.
  • We can add small amounts of grated or powdered ginger to each of our meals.

5. A handful of nuts

Nuts are very healthy, as long as we do not exceed their consumption. To control cholesterol, the most effective are walnuts.

  • With a handful, a day will be enough to balance the analyzes.
  • It will also help us take care of brain functions.

6. White clay

White clay specific for consumption is a good remedy for controlling cholesterol and stomach acidity.

However, if we have hypertension, we should only take water, without the clay, which will remain at the bottom of the glass.

7. Beneficial foods

avocado to control cholesterol

In addition to the medicinal foods we have mentioned, such as garlic or carrots, there are many others that can help us lower cholesterol. We can combine them or alternate them every day to benefit from their properties.

  • Lawyer
  • Vegetables
  • Celery
  • Oats
  • Saffron
  • Onion
  • Linseed
  • Quinoa
  • Hazelnut
  • Green beans
  • Apple

8. No stress

As we said at the beginning of the article, stress increases cholesterol levels. Therefore, not only is diet important in this treatment, but we must also eliminate anything that causes us overload that we cannot take on.

Stress doesn’t just happen in the workplace. It can be emotional stress from problems with the couple or physical stress from overworking at home.

It can also be stressful due to poor organization of our daily routine.

9. Check the rations

If you usually eat large rations, you should start reducing them. It’s not about being hungry, but about getting into the good habit of stopping eating before we feel too full.

The exact point in eating what we need is to feel 80% full. At this time, we are no longer hungry, but rather feel the fancy of eating dessert or something else.

This is when we need to learn to stop eating.

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