Longer Eyelashes: Our Natural Recipes

If you don’t remove your makeup before going to bed, you will damage your eyelashes, which will be more likely to break. To strengthen them and stimulate their growth, we need to comb them every day.

Do you dream of longer eyelashes? Over time, they tend to get thinner and shorter. This is because they continuously fall and grow back during the renewal process, but women like to have them provided and long.

You will find many treatments on the market that promise to beautify your eyelashes, but with natural products rich in nutrients, you can easily achieve similar results.

But above all, it is necessary that you take particular care of it and that you do not abuse the use of the rimmel.

It is also necessary that you avoid rubbing your eyes, unless you have very thick eyelashes, and that you give up using a device to curl your eyelashes which very often cut them.

Also, remove your makeup delicately, because they are very fragile and sudden movements can make them fall.

We will show you below some homemade recipes that will allow you to take care of your eyelashes; remember that it is vital for your health that you take care of all parts of your body.

Olive oil

It is used above all to clean the follicles of the eyelashes by eliminating the impurities that may lodge there, and thus to stimulate the process of hair growth.

Apply a little olive oil to your eyelashes every night before going to bed using a cotton swab. Remove it in the morning when you wake up.

Castor oil

Thanks to its properties, castor oil moisturizes and strengthens the eyelashes. It also accelerates their growth. As with olive oil, it is applied in the evening before going to sleep and then removed the next morning.

You can also use an empty mascara tube that you fill with castor oil, and you will use the applicator to put some on your lashes.


Boil chamomile flowers. Once the infusion has cooled and after removing make-up and cleansing your face, apply it to your eyelids using a cotton ball.

These natural treatments should be used daily. Indeed, the effects are not seen overnight. However, if you are consistent, after a month you will see results.

Carrot and orange juice, flower pollen and nuts

Consuming certain juices promotes longer eyelashes.

All of these ingredients contain a lot of vitamins that will be used to nourish your eyelashes. Put in the blender bowl:

  • 6 carrots
  • 4 oranges
  • 2 tablespoons of flower pollen
  • 1 spoonful of walnuts

Prepare this juice every day for two months and drink it in the morning.

Trim the tips of your eyelashes

As with hair, you can stimulate the growth of your eyelashes by just trimming their tips.

Eat foods that contain keratin

Keratin is one of the main nutrients that bring health and vitality to the hair.

It is therefore necessary that you consume foods rich in protein. So you can eat chicken, fish, eggs, rice and pulses.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C for longer eyelashes.

Vitamin C is used to strengthen bones and hair; consume oranges, kiwis, papaya, strawberries, lemon, melon and other fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C.

Brush your eyelashes

The same way you style your hair, brush your eyelashes every day to help them grow. Do this every night before you apply the treatment of your choice. Remember that the brush must be perfectly clean.

Do not consume fat for longer eyelashes

What you eat can affect the functional balance of your body; for example, excessive consumption of fatty foods limits hair growth. Monitor your health by consuming plenty of fruits and vegetables.

If you notice that your eyelashes are drooping excessively, see a dermatologist. They will prescribe medical treatment for you, as it could be an infection or disease that is making them depleted.

Know that these home remedies are only used to make them look good, strengthen them and make them grow more.

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