Learn How To Disinfect Mattresses And Pillows Easily

To disinfect your mattress and pillows easily, it is best to opt for natural solutions that respect the environment and the functioning of your own body .

Having a clean, dust mite-free home is a priority for everyone. However, it is not always easy. There are areas that are often overlooked and others that we don’t know how to disinfect. This is particularly the case with mattresses and pillows.

Yet it is an important task because it is the place where we sleep. Although the sheets and covers protect them, it is essential to learn how to clean them.

Neglecting this aspect not only worsens respiratory illnesses, such as asthma or allergies, but can also cause them to appear.

In addition, when there is a large amount of dust in the house, the quality of sleep is compromised.

This is all due to the existence of microorganisms that prevent us from breathing properly.

Even though there are multiple chemical alternatives for disinfecting mattresses, we assure you that the healthiest to easily disinfect your mattress and pillows are the most natural.

These are the ones that respect our body the most and therefore those that produce the fewest side effects.

Since we are aware of all this and in particular of the popular ignorance around these objects of the house, we invite you to teach you how to clean them.

How to disinfect mattresses?

First of all, we recommend that you do not make your bed when you get up.

Why ? When you decide to make your bed as soon as you get up, you lock the sheets and with them the particles that lodge in them and in your mattress.

It is therefore best to let them breathe and expose them to sunlight. The sun is the main enemy of germs, because when you make your bed, many of them will be gone.

So, if you are looking for a more aggressive solution, just leave them for a whole day in the open in full sun!

You may need an even more powerful alternative. In this case, we suggest you use baking soda and disinfectant essential oils.


  • 2 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate (20 g),
  • 2 drops of thyme essential oil, 2 drops of tea tree essential oil, 2 drops of lavender essential oil.

How to do ?

how to disinfect mattress

  • First, mix the sodium bicarbonate with all the essential oils.
  • Then, with a sieve, sprinkle all the mixture on the surface of the mattress and leave to act for two hours.
  • When the time is up, vacuum so that there are no leftovers.

With this trick, your mattress will be like new and ready. This will allow you to breathe properly while you sleep. Mornings when you say to yourself, “I wake up more tired than I go to bed” will end.

If this was the origin of the problem, then rest is guaranteed.

Easily disinfect pillows

We now show you several ways to clean your pillows easily. Here we will be using the washing machine.

In any case, we will give you ecological solutions, despite the use of this household appliance.

Sodium bicarbonate and vinegar

disinfect mattresses and pillows with baking soda and vinegar

Although you can use regular detergent, we recommend this mixture. The reason is very simple: this will prevent the effect of artificial chemicals that contaminate the air in your home.

During the night, several variations of substances take place between oxygen and carbon dioxide. Thus, it is essential to ventilate well and take care of the quality of the air we breathe.


  • Half a cup of sodium bicarbonate (50 g)
  • A spoonful of white vinegar (10 ml)

How to do ?

  • Just put the pillows in the washing machine with the mixture and you will disinfect them easily.
  • Repeat this another time to rinse them off as much as possible.
  • Dry them in the sun to remove all the moisture and the remains of microbes that may remain.

With these simple tips, you will be able to disinfect mattresses and pillows easily. You don’t need to put in a lot of effort or stop your life for it.

These tips are also environmentally friendly.

Remember that the planet allows you to smile, to hug your loved ones, to dance and to live. And it must therefore be treated with the greatest possible respect.

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