Is Giving Goat Milk To A Baby Healthy?

Goat’s milk contains proteins of high biological value, but with less fat than cow’s milk, so it is easier to digest.

Goat’s milk is a healthy food. It contains proteins of high biological value and other essential nutrients which can help the body to develop its functions properly. However, many wonder if giving goat milk to a baby is okay or might pose a risk to their health.

Before we begin, it should be noted that dairy products are a valuable food group in the diet. Although still under study, the evidence leads to the conclusion that their presence in the diet is necessary to help generate good health.

Benefits of goat milk

We will get fully into the subject by first commenting on the main benefits of goat milk and explaining the position of science in this regard.

Improves muscle development

Goat’s milk contains the highest quality protein. It is a nutrient of high biological value which has all the essential amino acids and a good digestibility value.

Protein is proven to be essential for good muscle function and for preventing tissue degeneration in the medium term. If the conditions are not met, the risk of developing sarcopenia increases.

Skimmed milk versus whole milk: each has its own characteristics.
Goat’s milk provides proteins of high biological value.

Higher bone density

In addition to its protein content, goat milk is distinguished by the presence of calcium inside. This nutrient is essential for good bone health.

Taking it in adolescence reduces the risk of fractures in adulthood, as well as the risk of osteoporosis. This is stated in a study published in the journal Nutrients .

Presents easy digestion

Goat’s milk contains less fat than cow’s milk. For this reason, its digestion is much easier. By this we do not mean that fat is harmful to health, far from it.

However, these nutrients have a longer gastric emptying time, according to the most recent evidence, so they can cause discomfort if consumed in excess.

Goat's milk yogurt.
The amount of lipids present in goat’s milk is less than that of cow’s milk.

Giving a baby goat’s milk: from what age and why?

It is possible to give a baby goat’s milk as a replacement for cow’s milk, but you have to wait a minimum of time to include this type of food in the diet. Otherwise, allergies or intolerances could be generated.

Pediatricians recommend that this product not be administered for 12 months, although some experts claim that something can be started earlier.

Keep in mind that goat’s milk has a high concentration of minerals. For this reason, it might be too aggressive for the kidneys if they are still maturing.

Infant formulas made from goat’s milk

Currently, there are infant formulas made from goat’s milk on the market. These can be an alternative to consider when those created from cow’s milk generate a large amount of gas or intestinal discomfort in the child. As goat’s milk is more digestible, this symptomatology could be reduced.

In any case, it is a good idea to consult the pediatrician before making the decision to administer such a product. It is also necessary to observe the nutritional value of the formula in question, thus checking that it does not contain a large amount of simple sugars.

Adverse effects of drinking goat’s milk in infants

The greatest risk of administering goat’s milk to babies is the development of an allergy to the proteins in the food. A cross-allergy between cow’s and goat’s milk proteins could be experienced, so if one product is not tolerated the other may not be able to be introduced into the diet either.

Beyond that, no other undesirable effects were detected when the food is correctly included in the diet, that is to say when it is given from the 12 months of the child. Only minor alterations can occur in the intestines, although annoying, such as the appearance of gas.

Goat’s milk, an option for babies

As we have commented, it is possible to assess the inclusion of goat’s milk in the diet of babies over 12 months. This food is easily digested compared to its counterpart in cows. It has a high nutritional density in which proteins and minerals such as calcium are distinguished.

In addition, its lipid profile is considered healthy, although it is true that most of the fatty acids it contains are saturated. Their concentration is lower than that of cow’s milk.

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