How To Treat Canker Sores And Mouth Sores?

The causes of mouth sores are varied, but the solutions are also numerous. Find out here how to relieve these sores and prevent their occurrence.

The ulcers and mouth sores are small wounds that appear in the lining of the mouth. They are usually small, although their location makes them uncomfortable and painful. Especially hot or cold, crispy and acidic foods irritate them and cause greater discomfort.

The difficulty in their healing lies in the humidity of the mouth and the consumption of food. Therefore, we are looking to find a quick fix that treats and relieves painful aphthous ulcers and mouth sores. This is what we are going to tell you about in the soot of this article.

Why do canker sores and mouth sores appear?

Although these are very common injuries, the truth is, it’s not clear exactly why they appear. What we do know is that aphthous sores and ulcers affect 20% of the population. They cause pain and discomfort, both when talking and when eating. They can be of two types: simple or complex.

The first appear a few times a year and last for about a week in people aged 10 to 20 years. Complex ulcers are less common and are suffered by those who have previously suffered from some type of mouth ulcer or another. The appearance of wounds can be linked to several causes:

  • according to a study carried out by the dental school of the Complutense University of Madrid, stress can cause the appearance of oral injuries;
  • consumption of acidic foods or citrus fruits ;
  • food or utensils;
  • a weakened immune system;
  • Nutritional problems or gastrointestinal illness
  • an orthodontic operation.

Special attention should be paid to canker sores and herpes manifestations , which may look the same. Cold sores are caused by a simple virus and are contagious, canker sores are not. Additionally, herpes can appear in other areas of the face, such as the lips, nose, and under the chin.

If you have a mouth ulcer, the symptoms you should experience are painful stinging and burning, as well as round, white, or gray sores with redness around the edges. There may also be a fever and swollen lymph nodes.

The great thing about canker sores and mouth sores is that they almost always go away on their own. The pain can be very uncomfortable, but the important thing is not to run your tongue over it or to grind it with your teeth, although it can be “tempting”. After only seven to ten days, it will just be a bad memory.

Natural remedies to treat canker sores and mouth sores


cure canker sores with salt
A spoonful of sea salt.

The  salt is one of the cheapest and most effective antiseptic available. It is a great ally for treating wounds naturally. Just mix a teaspoon of salt in a glass of lukewarm water and rinse your mouth, focusing on the area where you have the lesion. Spit out the water and repeat this process at least three times a day. Gradually, the pain and discomfort will decrease.

Baking soda

It acts in the same way as salt, i.e. as an effective antiseptic in these cases. Mix it with half a glass of water and rinse your mouth, gargling, without swallowing the liquid. You can also form a paste with a little water and apply it to the wound ; you must leave it for a few moments for it to take effect. Then rinse with cold water without rubbing.

Hydrogen peroxide

Here is another surefire remedy for oral sores, according to a study by the University of Barcelona. Take a cotton swab or piece of cotton and immerse it in hydrogen peroxide. Apply directly to the lesion three times a day. It will soothe the discomfort and help prevent possible infections.


treat canker sores
The key to treating aphthous ulcers is to apply antiseptics that do not infect the area.

A mouthwash can help relieve discomfort in the mouth, that bring you immediate relief that control the formation of bacteria. Do not use too much mouthwash with each rinse, especially if it is too strong, as it may burn you.


The property of an ice cube is to heal wounds little by little and, in turn, to reduce inflammation and soothe pain. According to a study from the University of  Las Américas , the cold acts as a sedative. Place an ice cube on the affected area as many times as you deem necessary per day.


Thanks to the acid in milk and in the bacteria it contains, it will help you change the pH composition of your mouth and control the formation of new bacteria.

Nevertheless, many studies  claim that the appearance of canker sores can be closely related to the consumption of dairy products, flour, tomato peel and dried fruits.

Advice to avoid the formation of mouth ulcers and sores

Mouth sores
Poor nutrition can easily cause mouth sores to appear.

A deficiency in minerals or vitamins causes canker sores. Therefore, it is best to include them in your diet. Other conditions that can also cause sores are iron or folic acid deficiency anemia, celiac disease, and Crohn’s disease, among others. Do not hesitate to add foods containing iron to your diet, such as green vegetables, whole grains or milk, among others.

Also, be careful when brushing your teeth, as this can cause injury or irritation. The same goes when you eat crunchy foods like cookies, bread, toast, etc. Finally, avoid acidic or spicy foods, chewing gum, and most importantly, remember to floss after every meal to always keep your mouth clean and healthy.

  • Hale, L., & Wojnarowska, F. (1997). Mouth ulcers. Practitioner.
  • Scully, C., Gorsky, M., & Lozada-Nur, F. (2002). Aphthous ulcerations. Dermatologic Therapy.
  • Scully, C., & Shotts, R. (2001). Mouth ulcers and other causes of orofacial soreness and pain. Western Journal of Medicine.

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