How To Prepare Watermelon?

In addition to fighting against water retention thanks to its diuretic properties, watermelon helps us control eating disorders and lose weight.

Summer is one of the best times to experience the incredible health benefits of tropical fruits like watermelon. Find out in this article how to prepare watermelon!

Since during this period high temperatures can cause dehydration, the consumption of watermelon is quite suitable.  This is because it contains water and important nutrients that help take care of the body when it is exposed to high temperatures.

Watermelon is made up of 90% water and 10% of important nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, magnesium, among others.

In addition, it contains lycopene and beta-carotene. These are  important antioxidants that help inhibit the action of free radicals in the body to prevent chronic diseases like cancer.

Before giving you some tips for preparing watermelon, here are its health benefits.

The health benefits of watermelon

It is good for the heart

Studies have determined that watermelon may help lower cholesterol levels and plaque in the arteries. This therefore reduces the risk of suffering a heart attack.

In addition, it contains essential amino acids that maintain healthy elasticity in the arteries, blood flow and cardiovascular function in general.

Preparing watermelon and consuming it regularly has benefits for the heart.

It helps to lose weight

As it is very low in fat and rich in phyto-nutrients and antioxidants,  watermelon acts as a stimulant to lose weight and control eating disorders.

It also has diuretic properties.  It is therefore an excellent remedy to fight against water retention and reduce inflammation.

It stimulates energy

A daily serving of watermelon boosts energy levels by up to 23%.  Thanks to its high content of vitamin B6, a nutrient that the body uses to synthesize the feel-good hormone.

For the urinary tract

Thanks to its high water content, watermelon acts as a tonic and purifier of the kidneys and bladder.

It also contains potassium. A mineral that helps eliminate uric acid and toxic substances that build up in the kidneys. 

Other important benefits:

  • Protects and cares for the skin.
  • Excellent for visual health.
  • Helps fight against inflammation.
  • Has anti-cancer properties.

Ideas for making watermelon with these delicious recipes

Watermelon and banana smoothie

Prepare the watermelon with the banana.

This delicious smoothie is a refreshing and delicious way to prepare watermelon and enjoy its and banana benefits.


  • ½ watermelon
  • 1 banana
  • 100 ml of milk
  • 20 g of brown sugar

How to prepare it?

  • Peel and cut the fruit into pieces, then put them in the blender with the rest of the ingredients. 
  • Mix for the necessary time and then add ice according to taste.

The watermelon and melon dessert

This delicious, refreshing dessert  is very quick to prepare.


  • 600 g watermelon
  • ½ melon
  • 8 cherries
  • 4 large raisins
  • 1 cup of orange liqueur (250 ml)
  • Licorice powder
  • Salt

How to prepare it?

  • Make small balls with the flesh of the melon, put them in a container and sprinkle them with orange liqueur. Reserve for 15 minutes.
  • Moisturize the raisins by soaking them for 5 minutes.
  • On a skewer, put 2 pitted cherries, 1 raisin and 1 small melon ball.
  • Remove the seeds from the watermelon, season and sprinkle with a pinch of powdered liquorice.
    Crush until it forms a paste then put it in the refrigerator to cool well.
  • Finally, serve the watermelon with the melon and cherry skewers.

Watermelon mousse

This refreshing dessert is ideal on hot days. Here is the simple recipe for watermelon mousse!


  • The juice of an orange
  • ½ liter of whipped cream
  • 3 tablespoons of condensed milk (60 g)
  • 1 small watermelon

How to prepare it?

  • Cut the watermelon and remove the seeds. 
  • Crush it with condensed milk and orange juice.
  • Gradually add the cream, mixing carefully.
  • Then divide the mixture into cups and place them in the refrigerator, at least for an hour.

Watermelon ice cream

Prepare the watermelon in the form of ice cream.

Ice cream is an ideal recipe for preparing watermelon and also enjoying its freshness.

There are many ways to prepare it, here is a simple recipe:


  • 1 small watermelon
  • 6 tablespoons of sugar (120 g)
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 jar of cream

How to prepare it?

  • Extract the pulp of the watermelon then  remove the seeds and mix it well.
  • Separate the yolks from the egg whites and set aside.
  • Then beat the egg yolks with the cream and sugar, then  mix them with the watermelon puree.
  • Whip the egg whites until stiff and add them to the previous mixture.
  • Put the final mixture in the refrigerator and let cool for 3 hours before serving. 

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