How To Improve Circulation In Arms And Legs

Eliminate salt and foods high in saturated fat from your diet, as triglycerides and cholesterol increase blood viscosity, which directly affects blood flow.

If one usually has icy hands and feet and like a constant tingling sensation in the limbs, a needle prick-like tingling, numbness and even cramping in the extremities, this is a sign that blood circulation is poor.

This means that the cells and tissues at the extremities are not sufficiently supplied with water, and as a result, they are neither oxygenated nor supplied by the blood flow.

The blood is also responsible for removing residues and toxins: we can therefore get an idea of ​​the problems that could be caused if the problem persists!

Symptoms of poor circulation

As we have said before, having icy extremities, feeling tingling like being pricked with a needle, or a simple tingling in the limbs are the most common symptoms of poor circulation. But here are others:

  • Numbness in the arms and legs.
  • Pain and cramps in the hands and feet.
  • Edemas in the legs.
  • Ulcers on the feet and hands that heal poorly.
  • Broken fingernails and toenails.
  • Loss of tenderness in the extremities.
  • Migraines and headaches.
  • Fingers and nails turning blue.
  • The appearance of varicose veins.
  • Itching in the arms and legs.
  • Buttock and leg cramps.
  • A lack of strength in the hands and feet.
  • Difficulty walking.
  • Dizziness when standing up.

Possible causes

The causes of poor circulation can be various: nerve pinching, muscle contractions due to bad positions, inflammation, exposure to cold and many others.

You must first consult a doctor to find the cause, then turn to the many natural options that exist to remedy it.

Sometimes these are bad habits like alcohol abuse, too much caffeine , drug use.

But also the taking of too strong drugs, a lack of postural hygiene, a poor diet or too much stress which can cause poor blood circulation at the extremities.

In other cases, the causes come from more serious health problems like obstruction of peripheral arteries, atherosclerosis, Raynaud’s disease, coronary heart disease, cardiac arrhythmia, kidney malfunction.

Mention may also be made of lung diseases, diabetes, hypertension or blockage of blood vessels by blood clots.

Improve your lifestyle

In the latter case, a combined treatment will be perfectly suitable. We can then  make certain changes in our lifestyle and adopt a healthy diet. Likewise, some natural remedies can be used. They will be able to help us to relieve the symptoms, but also to cure them completely.

Smoking less, not getting used to drinking too much alcohol, walking more, cycling and doing arm and leg movements, swimming or playing water sports are all very suitable activities. A long 40-minute walk is accessible to everyone and provides incredible benefits!  It is advisable to wear loose clothing, especially for sleeping, and to avoid low temperatures.

Adopt a natural diet

Consuming foods rich in vitamin C will activate our circulation. Some foods contain large amounts of it. For example,  citrus fruits like lemon , orange, kiwi, grapefruit, and lime. 

In addition, other fruits are rich in it like guava, strawberries, berries, watermelon and melon. There are also tomatoes, spinach, green and red peppers, Brussels sprouts and parsley.

Watermelon, tomatoes and strawberries also provide lycopene which activates circulation. Vitamin E is also an essential vitamin for good blood circulation.

It is found in high concentration in green leafy vegetables such as spinach or broccoli. But it is also found in brewer’s yeast or in wheat germ.

It is also good to consume vegetables and fruits rich in potassium, such as bananas.

Some oils rich in vitamin E contain a large percentage of omega 3. So, it comes to art sesame oils, nuts, palm oil, sweet almond and olive.

Other foods that improve blood circulation

It is even advisable to consume their fruits : olives, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds.

It is recommended to supplement the diet. We can then consume egg yolk, fish and tablets made from spirulina algae to improve circulation.

In addition, one should avoid eating products rich in saturated fat. We then think of whole dairy products such as butter and cream, cold meats and industrial pastry.

This is because the triglycerides and cholesterol they contain considerably increase the thickness of the blood and automatically impair circulation.

Also, don’t eat too much salt or sodium. They retain water and act on the liquidity of the blood.

Proteolytic enzymes are a very useful supplement because they lower inflammation very effectively.

For example, pineapple bromelina as a food supplement sold in pharmacies, such as serrazimes, which comes from a fungus and not from pineapple, but which is even more effective; take 3 to 5 tablets per day without meals.

Natural remedies to improve circulation

In addition to a natural diet, low in saturated fat and rich in vegetables that promotes good circulation,  it is advisable to use some natural remedies.

They will thus help to activate blood circulation at the extremities:

Apply fresh aloe vera or agave juice to the affected parts. It is also advisable to drink three spoonfuls of it without meals.

Apply essential oils: dilute lavender essential oil in sweet almond oil or coconut oil, then perform massages on the legs, feet, arms and hands.

Herbal teas:  yarrow and ginger tea, infusion of horsetail, mistletoe, passionflower, ginkgo biloba, thyme, sage and rosemary … Take the one you have on hand and boil it over low heat for 15 minutes, then let stand another 5 minutes; filter it and drink it before each meal.

Eat one or two cloves of garlic on an empty stomach; using a good amount of garlic in the daily diet helps to activate the blood supply, which prevents the formation of plaques and prevents atherosclerosis.

Consume a liter of mineral water on an empty stomach, little by little and slowly to facilitate circulation and drink enough fluids during the day such as herbal teas, fruit juices, fresh vegetables and vegetable broths, all of which are very healthy.

Make clay poultices on the affected parts. This is not only used to improve circulation, but also to treat edema and varicose veins.

Soak feet and hands in hot peppered water every night. It is an ancient remedy that helps activate circulation to the extremities.

Other effective tips to improve blood circulation

Bath the feet and soak the hands in a preparation made from ginger root; mix a quarter of a ground ginger root with two liters of hot water to soak the affected ends.

Add a cup of fresh mint to four liters of boiling water. Then, let cool a little and bathe the feet for 15 minutes. Finally, they must be dried well. Mix a spoonful of rosemary and a spoonful of rue to half a liter of water and boil 10 minutes, let cool and use it to wash your feet and hands.

Take a bath of rosemary, elderberry, horsetail, burdock and comfrey. Add a handful of each of these herbs in plenty of boiling water. Then, let it sit for about 30 minutes and filter it before adding it to the bath water. Take a 15-minute bath, then wrap yourself in a towel for 10 minutes.

Take an onion bath. Boil a kilo of onions in 10 liters of water and add this broth to the bath water which must be lukewarm; immerse yourself in it for 10 minutes.

All these traditional remedies will help relieve symptoms while activating the circulation of all limbs!

  • Secher, NH, & Volianitis, S. (2006). Are the arms and legs in competition for cardiac output? In Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.
  • Proctor, DN, & Newcomer, SC (2006). Is there a difference in vascular reactivity of the arms and legs? In Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.
  • Vaile, J., O’Hagan, C., Stefanovic, B., Walker, M., Gill, N., & Askew, CD (2011). Effect of cold water immersion on repeated cycling performance and limb blood flow. British Journal of Sports Medicine.

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