How Many Eggs Can We Eat In The Week?

Despite its bad reputation, eating eggs has been shown to not increase blood cholesterol levels.

Eggs are among the foods that contain the most protein, vitamins and minerals. The vitamins found there are mainly A, D and B12. The minerals are phosphorus and selenium. Be careful, the nutritional value of the egg has nothing to do with the color of its shell. 

First of all, eggs have a lot of protein, vitamins and other good things for our health. But they are also very easy to obtain and very inexpensive.

This food is often denounced as saying, for example, that it harms the heart or that it could affect cholesterol levels. Which is wrong ! Indeed, studies have confirmed that the egg does not increase the cholesterol level in the blood.

Yet, as with everything, you shouldn’t overdo it. Thus, for a healthy person who is not a top athlete, of average height and of adult age, it is advisable to eat only between three and four eggs per week.

Strong enough people who get a lot of physical activity can eat at least seven eggs per week. However, it is better not to let it become widespread because, in the long run, our health can suffer. If you are in doubt, consult your doctor.

Who are those who should particularly consume eggs?

The egg is a food that brings a lot of benefits to pregnant women. It does indeed contain a lot of a vitamin called choline. The latter is very important for the proper development of the nervous system.

As for adults who have lost their appetite, the consumption of eggs is very appropriate. They provide large amounts of vitamins, minerals and proteins, essential for the body.

What are the properties of the egg?


  • One of its most important properties is that it does not contain a lot of fat. It does not provide calories or cholesterol.
  • It has a strong iron content. This prevents anemia caused by a lack of this mineral.
  • Likewise, fights fatigue, stimulates the immune system. It thus effectively collaborates in the healing of wounds. In addition to its high zinc rate, it promotes the storage of insulin, essential during growth.
  • Finally, it contains phosphorus, an essential mineral for the skin, bones and teeth. It is ideal for promoting the physical resistance of athletes as well as for brain health.

Important vitamins in eggs:

  • Its vitamin A content helps prevent many eye problems. In addition, it increases the body’s defenses and has great anti-carcinogenic properties.
  • Eggs are rich in vitamin B5. Pantothenic acid makes it useful for avoiding or controlling episodes of stress. Likewise, it decreases migraines and helps keep cholesterol levels low.
  • The vitamin B7 of which it is composed is very useful for the maintenance of hair, skin and nails. It also has the ability to maintain normal blood sugar levels.
  • Another of its beneficial components is vitamin B9 or folic acid. It helps to ward off the harmful effects of certain drugs, tobacco and alcohol.
  • Eggs are a good antioxidant because they contain a lot of vitamin E.

Other unknown properties of eggs:

  • It contains large amounts of lecithin, which supplies choline to the body. Deficiency of this nutrient can cause serious health problems. For example, kidney disease, liver disease, etc. But also progressive loss of memory, growth retardation, hypertension, among others.
  • Eggs are foods that can be prepared in many ways. It is therefore naturally the favorite food of many people, especially the elderly and children. It can be eaten at any time of the day. It is ideal for breakfast because it provides the energy necessary for a day’s work. Do not hesitate to include the egg in your diet, you will not regret it.

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