Health Benefits Of Honey And Lemon

Lemon is low in calories, and its high content of antioxidants helps break down fat cells. On the other hand, honey contains absolutely no fat, but it gives energy to the body.

The benefits of honey and lemon are well known around the world. Indeed, they are integrated in many preparations, and both have beneficial properties for health, as well as for the beauty of the hair and the skin.

The combination of these two ingredients can increase their antioxidant and antibacterial effects tenfold, and take advantage of all their nutrients .

Reduce abdominal fat and fight obesity

Lemon is low in calories, and its high content of antioxidants helps break down fat cells. On the other hand, honey contains absolutely no fat. But it gives energy to the body to improve its physical performance. In addition, the sugar it contains is very easy to digest.

How to proceed?

  • Mix a spoonful of honey (7.5 g) with 3 spoonfuls of lemon juice (45 ml)
  • Dilute this mixture in lukewarm water (200 ml).

Consume this drink on an empty stomach, every day, to reap the benefits of honey and lemon.

Combat respiratory tract problems

Lemon juice and honey can fight bacteria and microorganisms that cause flu, colds, asthma, sore throat. And many other respiratory ailments.

These two ingredients can make a great syrup for all of these health concerns. 

How to proceed?

  • Mix a spoonful of honey (7.5 g) with two spoonfuls of lemon juice (30 ml).
  • Dilute them in a glass of lukewarm water (200 ml).

Drink this mixture several times a day to reap the full benefits of honey and lemon.

Treat flu and colds

Although the above remedy can be used to combat flu and cold symptoms, this other natural treatment is also a good option for dealing with viruses.

How to proceed?

  • Boil a liter of water, then add two slices of fresh ginger to it.
  • Then add three tablespoons of lemon juice (45 ml) and three tablespoons of honey (75 g).

You can drink this infusion three to four times a day.

Purify the digestive system

The benefits of honey and lemon for the digestive system

Lemon and honey are excellent remedies to regulate the body’s pH, to eliminate stomach acidity. They provide important nutrients like vitamin C, riboflavin, and vitamin B.

This combination is also excellent for purifying the blood and the liver. But also  to treat stomach disorders such as acid reflux or ulcers.

How to proceed?

  • Prepare yourself a tonic with two spoonfuls of lemon juice (30 ml), a spoonful of honey (25 g) and a glass of lukewarm water (200 ml).
  • Dilute all the ingredients well, and drink the mixture preferably on an empty stomach.

Treat wounds and insect bites

Honey and lemon have antiseptic properties that help heal small wounds, prevent infections, and speed up the healing process.

Indeed, honey can eliminate microorganisms, while lemon prevents the proliferation of bacteria.

How to proceed?

  • Drinking a lemon and honey tonic can help heal wounds and fight infections.
  • You can also apply a mixture of the two ingredients directly to the skin, to enjoy their benefits topically.

Lighten the skin

The benefits of honey and lemon for the skin

A mixture of honey and lemon can help restore the skin’s natural clear complexion, making it soft, smooth and radiant.

How to proceed?

  • Mix equal parts lemon and honey.
  • Apply them directly to your skin, and leave on for 20 minutes.

This treatment should be applied only in the evening. Because exposure to the sun can worsen disorders instead of improving them.

Eliminate excess sebum and blackheads

Lemon Honey Mask can help remove blackheads and excess oil from the skin.

Both of these ingredients have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which penetrate the skin deeply to remove impurities.

How to proceed?

  • Cut a lemon in half,
  • Cover one of the two halves with honey
  • Then rub it on your face.
  • Leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse.

Benefits of honey and lemon for oily hair

Honey and lemon deeply cleanse the hair. They soften them and remove excess fat to make them look healthier, and more beautiful.

How to proceed?

  • Mix in a container 4 tablespoons of honey (100 g) with the juice of two lemons.
  • Apply this mixture all over your scalp, and your hair.
  • Then leave on for 30 minutes.

Finally, wash your hair normally with your usual shampoo.

Do you have honey and lemon at home, but you don’t know how to enjoy it? So be sure to test the benefits of honey and lemon for your health and beauty!

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