Gluten-free Pancakes With Two Ingredients

If you cannot eat gluten or lactose, this recipe should be of particular interest to you.

Want a delicious meal with just two ingredients? What’s more, you want these ingredients to be easy to find and gluten-free? So, don’t miss the gluten-free pancake recipe that we offer you. You will lick your lips!

Gluten free pancakes

Pancakes are delicious, we know that. However, many people suffer from gluten intolerance and therefore prefer to avoid them. As well as those who do not consume dairy products. Indeed, generally, pancakes contain flour and milk.

However, the recipe we offer you here is made up of two ingredients : eggs and bananas. Thus, these pancakes will be suitable for everyone’s consumption.


Gluten-free pancakes contain eggs

The popular belief has always existed: We often hear that eggs contain too much cholesterol, and therefore, they cannot be considered a healthy food. However, today we know that it is not, quite the contrary!

The egg is one of the most beneficial products that we can consume. In fact, the consumption of two eggs a day is perfectly advisable and does not imply any risk to health.

The benefits of eating eggs are many. Indeed, the eggs:

  • Are a source of essential nutrients: while the egg provides only 80 calories, it contains protein, iron and zinc, especially in the yolk. Thus, it is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and vitamins
  • Features a yellow rich in antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin. On the other hand, they also participate in the prevention of eye problems
  • Are a source of choline, an essential amino acid for the nervous system. In fact, they stimulate the development of brain function. That’s why they are linked to memory and help us stay alert.
  • Promote heart health
  • Contains healthy fats: in this sense, they are not linked to problems with high cholesterol in the blood
  • Contains vitamin D and calcium, which help strengthen bones


Bananas are one of the most consumed fruits around the world. However, because of their calorie intake and sugar content, they are also among the foods that many people should try to avoid.

Luckily, today we can assure you that bananas are a highly nutritious food. Indeed, they:

  • Are a great source of potassium and pectin, a type of fiber that supports digestive functions
  • Provide magnesium and vitamins C and B6, which strengthen the immune system and improve health
  • Maintain heart health thanks to the potassium they contain and help lower blood pressure
  • Are linked to the prevention of certain types of cancer

Gluten-free banana pancakes are ideal for breakfast. So you can start the day by recharging your body and filling up with nutrients and energy.

Banana Gluten Free Pancakes Recipe

Gluten-free banana pancakes ready to eat


  • 2 eggs (organic, preferably)
  • 1 banana


  • If you want your pancakes to be thicker, you can use 1/8 teaspoon of yeast.
  • Salt is also optional.
  • To add a little more flavor, you can also use ΒΌ teaspoon of vanilla extract.
  • On the other hand, if you want your pancakes to be even more nutritious, you can add a spoonful of natural bee honey to it.


  • First, mash the banana until you get a creamy texture without pieces.
  • Then add the optional ingredients of your choice, then stir well.
  • Beat the eggs well.
  • Then, mix the banana cream with the beaten eggs and continue stirring until a homogeneous preparation is obtained.
  • Finally, heat a pan (with a little organic butter, if you wish) and pour in a spoonful of your mixture. After cooking on both sides, you should have a very thin pancake.
  • These pancakes do not contain flour, they will be more liquid than traditional pancakes. It won’t be easy to turn them over, so don’t try to make too big pancakes.
  • Once all of your pancakes are browned on both sides and have the right texture, they’re ready to go! Enjoy your meal !


You can make your gluten-free banana pancakes even richer in flavor and nutrients by adding pieces of fruit. Strawberries, raspberries or cranberries will do the job perfectly!

Plus, don’t forget to savor these pancakes with syrup. For this, bee honey is ideal. However, you can also opt for jam or marmalade.

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