Find Out Why The Stomach Is Growling!

To avoid stomach noise, it is essential that we chew our food well to prevent gas production. We can also drink an infusion to relieve them.

This noise that we hear in the stomach when we are hungry doesn’t just happen when we want to eat. He can thus have other explanations.

Many people believe that hunger is the only cause. There are, however, several reasons why our stomachs start to growl from time to time. Learn all about it in this article!

Before you start, get to know your digestive system better

It is always good to remember what we learned in school about our stomachs, and our digestive systems in general. This way, you can better understand why your stomach is growling at any time of the day.

The functioning of the digestive system

The digestive system is a tube that begins in the mouth and ends in the anus. Until now, nothing new. This tube is connected to different organs, all of which are equally important in carrying out the process of digestion.

One of the primary activities of this system is the way it propels food. Indeed, thanks to muscle contractions, food will move throughout the tube.

This is called the peristasis. These contractions are used to mix the solid, the liquid and the gastric juices to digest the food bolus.
stomach pain

The origin of gurgling sounds

Back to the stomach growl. It has indeed a lot to do with this work. When they mix, the liquid and the solid produce air and gases. The bubbles that form hit against the walls of the stomach. They produce the sound that is heard from the outside. Sometimes those next to us can hear it too.

These noises occur very regularly. They  don’t just happen when we are hungry – as popular belief is.

The difference is, when they do occur and the stomach is full, we fail to perceive them. The food present in the organ dampens the sound of air bubbles, if we schematize a little.

So why do these muscle contractions occur on an empty stomach? This is because two hours before it empties, the stomach begins to produce certain hormones which stimulate the nerves and send a message to the brain (which basically says: “it is time to eat at new ”) .

The brain responds to this message by giving the order to the digestive muscles to set off, to prepare for peristasis. Contractions move what’s left of food in the stomach, and usually make you feel hungry.

The movements are repeated until the person eats, and the noises are more and more present until the arrival of this moment.

What causes excessive rumbling in the stomach?

We have presented the situation to you as it occurs in a so-called “normal” person. But it can get complicated as some people suffer from excessive rumbling in their stomachs. They feel bad, can no longer do physical activity, etc.

Very frequent noises in the stomach can have different causes, which go beyond simple hunger.

Very strict diets

If you eat a lot less than you are used to throughout the day, the body does not know how to react. Diets that recommend not eating a lot of food and calories often cause excessive noise in the stomach.

Indeed, the organ is empty all the time, and the little that is ingested is digested in just a few minutes. The digestive system will then send hunger messages to the brain all the time.

The consumption of soft drinks

As we have already explained to you, one owes the noises in the stomach to the production of gas and air, when the food mixes. If you drink carbonated drinks, you will increase the amount of air bubbles that bump against the walls of the stomach.

When the body can no longer eliminate or expel gas in a natural way through gas and rashes, it sends them to the stomach.

The same thing happens if you have a bad habit of eating fast, which causes more air to flow into the body.

stomach soda contributes to gurgling

Intolerance to certain foods

The most common example is lactose, a substance found in milk, yogurt, cream and cheese. When this component stays too long in the stomach, or in the intestine, the bacteria devour it. They therefore produce more gas and air bubbles than usual.

This is why you may feel heavy, or filled with air, when you eat a food that contains lactose.


Stomach ulcers also cause noise. The difference is that it is a constant loud noise, accompanied by pain and a lot of trouble whether the person has eaten or not. We must consume appropriate foods, so as not to worsen the situation.

Irritable bowel syndrome

The symptoms are similar to those of an ulcer. Indeed, in addition to having loud noises in the stomach, the affected person suffers from severe pain, especially after having ingested certain types of food.

How to prevent gurgling in the stomach?

If the reasons your stomach is growling isn’t due to illness, you can take advantage of these recipes and tips:

  • Chew food more. The process of mixing solid and liquid elements will not produce a significant amount of gas.
  • Drink tea  after your meal. Make yourself a mint tea, for example, which will calm your stomach.
  • Do not breathe deeply when eating, as the air that enters will go directly into the digestive tract with the food.
  • Eat less.  Small bites, or snacks, are easier to digest. This does not allow the stomach to signal to the brain that it is time to eat again.

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