Ending Irritability, Anxiety And Depression

A good diet and the practice of physical activity influence the health of our brain, which is why we must act positively for this problem.

Irritability, anxiety and depression are the most common mental health problems in our society. Most often they manifest as emotional and physical obstacles that we cannot overcome.

Fortunately, science helps us understand the connections between body and mind. So she shows us that anxiety and depression are caused by a number of factors.

These factors can be dietary, psychological, physical, emotional, environmental, social, spiritual, genetic, or even linked to a brain disease.

It is not yet clear, however, whether fluctuating neurotransmitter activity is the cause of irritability, anxiety and depression. Or if these changes are in fact one of the symptoms of a person’s anxiety or depression.

Irritability, anxiety and depression are 3 different things, but very often we experience them simultaneously. Indeed, it is not uncommon for depressed people to be also prone to anxiety, and for anxious people to suffer from depression as well as irritability.

Improve your mental health

Depression and anxiety are generally classified as mental disorders. In fact, it would make more sense to think of them as a change in the health of our brain. Indeed, it is he who is at the heart of our physical, emotional and relationship problems.

It should therefore be emphasized that the health of our brain is just as important as that of other organs. Indeed, our brain is as affected by our lifestyle as the rest of our body.

Thus, what we eat, our activities, and our sleep affect the functioning of our brain. In addition, the way we deal with stress, our emotions, the quality of our relationships, the meaning we give to our life, all of these play a key role in our mental health.

Symptoms of irritability, anxiety and depression

Symptoms of irritability, anxiety and depression

Anxiety and depression prevent us from leading a normal life. They change our habits and behaviors. And change our relationships with others, both personally and professionally.

Physical symptoms:

  • Abdominal pain,
  • Point on the chest,
  • Tachycardia,
  • Difficulty breathing,
  • Nausea,
  • Muscle tremors,
  • Sweat,
  • Tired.

Mental symptoms:

  • Irritability,
  • Anguish,
  • Fear,
  • Avoidance,
  • Sensation of insecurity,
  • Lack of concentration,
  • Obsessions,
  • Sadness.

get rid of irritability, anxiety and depression

Usually, these changes are the result of exaggerated and chronic worries. For example, difficulty adapting to certain changes in our personal or professional life.

Also read this article: Anxiety attacks: 7 tips to control them

10 tips to end irritability, anxiety and depression

In order to take better care of your brain, we offer the following tips:

  • Breathe slowly, slow breathing will help you relax
  • Get moving!
  • Spend time in nature
  • Make sure you get a restful sleep
  • Spend more time with your loved ones
  • Accept that not everything can be perfect
  • Eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water
  • Meditate (sitting or moving) or take the time to refocus on yourself
  • Learn to forgive
  • Learn to be grateful

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