Earthing: The Benefits Of Contact With The Earth

The earthing consists of walking barefoot on the earth in order to return to the original nature of Man. Regular practice of this activity would help promote well-being. We invite you here to learn more about the subject.

In life, there are few pleasures as simple and pleasurable as the earthing . Few people dislike walking barefoot on the sand. Or to be in contact with wet grass.

These pleasant experiences, which are free or very economical, bring enormous health benefits. The earthing means to connect to the earth. And this connection doesn’t just result in the activation of nerve endings in the soles of the feet. Indeed, this activity can help us heal our soul.

The earthing , what is it?

A woman practicing earthing in the middle of nature

The term earthing comes from the English term earth which means “earth” and which also designates the planet Earth. The term earthing therefore refers to a connection with the earth. This activity is also known under the name of grounding , term formed from the English word ground which means “ground”. The terms earthing and grounding both refer to the same activity.

The  earthing or grounding consists in establishing a connection between our body and the electrical energy which emanates from the earth. Some studies claim that this contact with the earth is beneficial for both physical and mental health.

Advocates of this activity claim that Man was originally connected to the earth because he constantly walked barefoot, a once trivial fact that has been lost over time with modernization. According to these defenders, modernity has taken us away from this ancestral connection (wearing shoes, rugs, etc.), which is why we are, nowadays, completely disconnected from the earth.

Research on the subject shows that the physical function of people who participate in this activity improves considerably. Decreased fatigue, alleviation of pain, and improvement of depression are said to be other possible benefits.

As for people who practice this activity, they claim that they feel less muscle tension and a certain spiritual calm, as if Mother Earth is helping them regain good health.

When we walk barefoot on the earth, the electrical connections of nature act on the organism. It is on this belief that the earthing is based and it is the reason why the followers are more and more numerous.

It is the therapist Clint Ober who is at the origin of this activity. According to him, after 30 minutes of barefoot walking, the body’s electrical charges are balanced, which is why this activity has a beneficial impact on health.

The benefits of  earthing

The earthing, or the connection with nature

The benefits attributed to earthing are many and varied in nature , benefits which, however, have not yet been scientifically proven. The benefits we list below are anecdotal and are the subject of studies that do not yet provide sufficient evidence.

  • Disinflammation : contact with soil would reduce inflammation and damage to certain cells
  • Antioxidant properties : Those who practice this activity claim that the connection with the electrical energy of the earth has a strong antioxidant potential, but no scientific evidence proves this claim as yet
  • Relaxing effects : this activity helps reduce anxiety by promoting calm and balance in the nervous system
  • Better energy : connecting to the earth allows you to gain energy and vitality
  • Synchronization of the body with time : practicing this activity allows you to rest well at night and feel good the next day
  • Decrease in stress : it is a question of disconnecting for a while from daily tasks in order to find the original meaning of life

How to practice this activity?

If you want to follow the trend or check if the benefits mentioned are indeed true, just follow the steps below, which are very simple, since the connection between man and earth is innate and not requires no great effort.

  • Walk barefoot whenever you have the chance: on the ground, on the grass, on the sand… Walking barefoot activates the energy points located on the soles of the feet.
  • Be in contact with water: water helps to channel energy. This is why it is recommended to wash your hands frequently, to practice swimming, to shower, among others. For followers of this activity, water works as a conductor
  • Connect your bed to an earthed socket: some use a piece of fabric, others use a cable or a metal wire. This connection would help to enjoy a good rest and wake up feeling great.
  • In addition to the above indications, there are special mats on which to put your feet during work

You will understand, the benefits of this activity are, a priori, considerable. Far from being a harmful activity, earthing may well contribute to general well-being, but there is not yet enough scientific evidence to support this.

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