Differences Between Coach And Sports Psychologist

Besides the training of the two professionals, the goals of the coach and the sports psychologist are also at different levels. However, both are essential for good athlete performance.

You probably think that the coach and the sports psychologist are two identical professions. However, although they refer to a similar position,  there are quite a few differences between a coaching professional and a sports psychologist. Let’s see which ones.

First of all, it is important to stress that a  coach cannot act as a sports psychologist. He or she actually lacks adequate training. On the other hand, a psychologist can work as a coach. This will then determine how the two professionals will act. Now let’s see what are the differences between each of them.

What is the action of the sports psychologist?

A sports psychologist and a woman who wants to train

A sports psychologist studied psychology and then specialized in this specific area. The tools at his disposal are very precise. This is because a psychologist  is responsible for studying the human psyche, cognition, behavior and human emotions.

All these aspects make the presence of a psychologist very interesting in the field. It analyzes the attitudes of a particular athlete or group. It also tries to promote their skills and correct certain behaviors that could affect their performance.

In addition, the sports psychologist is a professional perfectly  suited to motivate and help each athlete to give the best of himself. This not only helps him to work in a group, but also on an individual basis. Indeed, the sports psychologist knows how necessary the work of oneself is also.

Competencies of the sports psychologist

A coach and a sports psychologist are not the same because the specific functions they perform are completely different. Let’s see which ones fall under the competence of a psychologist:

  • Assessment:  In case of injuries or family problems, it can affect athletic performance. The psychologist must then examine the situation in order to be able to advise the athlete as best as possible.
  • Advice:  after the assessment, the professional provides advice. For example, imagine that an athlete is unable to deal with the media in a healthy way. The psychologist is therefore there to guide him
  • Intervention: this step consists of providing the person with the tools to deal with the problem that torments them
  • Athlete training:  The sports psychologist also trains the athletes. Indeed, it helps them to manage their stress, to motivate them and to stimulate their skills and aptitudes.

What is the role of a sports coach?

Two people who will run on the advice of a sports psychologist

A sports coach has no training in psychology. Therefore, his procedure will be very different from that of a psychologist. Its objective and its action with athletes are not the same. So what is its role?

  • Motivation:  the coach helps each player to give the best of himself by confronting him with his own limits so that he works better within a group
  • Dialogue:  dialogue is the main tool. Thanks to this, he analyzes the weak points as well as the strengths of each one in order to strengthen them.
  • Perspective work: it tries to change the perspective that an individual may have in relation to their abilities

In summary,  a sports coach seeks that each athlete strengthens his skills,  feels motivated to improve them, and above all, that he faces his own limits.

Sports psychologist or coach?

Although we could see some similarities between a coach and a sports psychologist, they both have different ways of doing things. A psychologist does have certain tools supported by strategic methods.

On the other hand, a coach does not have this specialized training but is competent to communicate, dialogue and motivate. It can therefore become essential to move a team forward  or ensure that a person achieves their goals.

Ultimately, these two professions are equally important,  since the goal is for each athlete to succeed in giving the best of himself to achieve his goals. The only thing that changes is that the coach and the sports psychologist will act or work from different angles.

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