Detoxify Your Underarms And Prevent Breast Cancer With These Simple Steps

Since commercial deodorants contain chemicals that can be harmful, it is best to detoxify your underarms every now and then to minimize the possible complications.

The use of deodorant and antiperspirant products is part of the personal care regimen of most people around the world. They tend to reduce excessive underarm sweating and curb bacterial growth that causes bad odors.

However, we are often unaware that these products generally contain toxic substances. These can cross the skin barrier and generate diseases such as cancer or Alzheimer’s disease.

Some research has shown that compounds like parabens, phthalates and aluminum can cause breast cancer when applied topically.

This is because they interfere with the activities that regulate hormones. They thus cause imbalances in estrogen levels.

But there is worse. They clog the pores of the armpits. This then prevents the elimination of toxins that are inside the body.

Several detoxification methods have therefore been tested for some time. They are based on natural ingredients that facilitate the elimination of bacteria and accumulated chemical residues.

These techniques are very easy to do at home. They are a good option to avoid the negative consequences of these products.

Why detoxify the armpits?Armpits

There is a large amount of sweat glands on the armpits. They facilitate the elimination of perspiration to regulate the body temperature, eliminate toxins and maintain a correct level of hydration.

The natural pH of the skin is altered when bacteria ferment and are in the perfect environment to proliferate.

Because of their unpleasant odor, we prefer to use hygienic chemicals that neutralize them and enjoy a feeling of freshness.

The problem is, their ingredients stick to the skin and can be absorbed into the body.

In minimal amounts this does not represent a big risk, but in the long term bacteria can build up and lead to the development of serious diseases.

This is where detoxification plays an important role. It makes it possible to remove these accumulated substances which are a health risk.

The ingredients used here are toxic-free and have antibacterial properties that effectively replace hygiene products.

While the idea is to use them as a deep cleaning method, they can also be used for the control of strong odors and pH alterations.

How to detoxify the armpits with natural ingredients?Armpits

If one knows the risks of poisoned armpits, it is worth following these simple steps to detoxify them naturally.

The ingredients are very easy to buy in any market or herbalist store, although it is essential to obtain organic ones.

The main one is apple cider vinegar, a food full of natural acids that decrease the presence of bacteria, fungi and toxins.

It also contains essential oils that cover the bad smell while eliminating the microorganisms that cause it.

In addition, bentonite clay eliminates dead cells and supports the other components in the elimination of accumulated toxic substances.


  • 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar (10 ml)
  • 3 drops of rosemary essential oil
  • 5 drops of coriander essential oil
  • 1 tablespoon of bentonite clay (10 g)


  • Put the apple cider vinegar in a glass container and mix it with the bentonite clay.
  • After having mixed the two ingredients well, add the essential oils and mix well to obtain a cream.
  • Then let it sit for two hours and apply.

How to use

  • Wash your armpits well before spreading the remedy and then remove the possible excess of commercial antiperspirants.
  • Then spread a thin layer of the product and rub with gentle circular massages.
  • Then leave it on for five minutes and then rinse it off with cold water.
  • Repeat the application daily, for a period of two to three weeks.
  • In addition, increase your intake of water and foods without antioxidants.

This method will reduce the presence of waste on the armpits and help do away with bad odors and unsightly dark spots.

To avoid the overload of toxic substances in this area, care should be taken when purchasing personal care products.

If you take a good look at the labels, you may find formulas that are milder and with non-harmful components.

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