Detoxify Your Liver In 15 Days

The liver is the organ that suffers the most from the consequences of poor nutrition, unhealthy lifestyles and negative emotions.

It is therefore ideal, at any time of the year, to perform a complete cleansing of the liver, in a completely natural way.

Discover our advice below to detoxify your liver in 15 days. You just need to follow a few diet rules and natural remedies.

After this very simple cure, you will feel lighter, more energetic and happier.


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gives us the energy and good humor necessary to face all the daily activities.

Skipping breakfast is a big mistake. It also does not help in maintaining a balanced weight. On the contrary, it causes an increase in appetite throughout the day.

Also, not eating in the morning will make you tired and cranky.

During this two-week cure, we suggest you drink a glass of lukewarm water, a spoonful of good quality olive oil and the juice of half a lemon, on an empty stomach.

You can drink these three foods together, or separately. This first step will help you clean toxins from your body. It will also activate the functions of your organs, especially the liver.

Then you can prepare a healthy breakfast, consisting of a smoothie. If the ingredients of the latter may surprise you. Be aware, however, that its flavor is delicious.

Mix the following ingredients:

  • One fruit of your choice: apple or pear
  • Half a ripe banana
  • A handful of fresh and tender spinach leaves
  • A teaspoon of spirulina powder
  • Two prunes without their pit
  • A handful of dried fruits (walnuts, almonds or hazelnuts), preferably ground beforehand
  • Half a glass of vegetable oat drink
  • A pinch of ginger and a pinch of cinnamon, both powdered
  • A teaspoon of powdered brewer’s yeast
  • A teaspoon of good quality coconut oil

Mix all the ingredients well, until you get the most homogeneous texture possible. Don’t drink the smoothie all at once. Do it slowly, even throughout the morning.

This smoothie is highly nutritious. It will thus regulate your blood sugar levels, fight your anxiety and, of course, normalize your liver function.liver


Lunch is also an important time. Especially if you have a lot of work ahead of you throughout the afternoon.

So try to eat in a balanced way, trying not to fill your stomach too much.

Your menu should consist of: 

  • Salad, gazpacho or vegetables
  • Whole grains or starches: rice, semolina, potato, sweet potato, wholemeal bread, etc.
  • Proteins: lean meat, fish, egg, pulses or vegetable proteins (tofu, seitan, tempeh)
  • Healthy fats: olive oil, dried fruits, avocado

You can alternate these foods, but be careful that there is an element from each category in all your meals.liver

Also, try not to eat desserts. They often make digestion heavier. But if you’re still hungry, choose one of the following options:

  • Apple, pear, pineapple or papaya
  • Homemade applesauce
  • White cheese with honey
  • Dried fruits
  • An infusion


Dinner is also a crucial time if you want to take care of your liver. It is indeed a time of the day when your body needs little energy.

So you can eat something light, so you don’t go to bed hungry.  However, try to be rigorous enough for this depurative diet to work.

We offer you several dinner recipes. You can then choose the one you like the most. You will also have the possibility to alternate:

  • Vegetable velouté with grated hard-boiled egg, served with wholemeal bread
  • Gazpacho and fish a la plancha
  • Zucchini omelet and green salad
  • Sautéed vegetables, mushrooms and cream cheese
  • Rice or corn cakes with tomato, avocado and turkey
  • Applesauce with cottage cheese and walnuts


To complement liver detoxification, you can enhance the benefits of this diet by consuming infusions that are beneficial for the liver throughout the day.

You can choose from, or combine, the following:

  • Dandelion
  • Milk thistle
  • Boldo
  • Artichoke

Add a little lemon juice to these infusions, and sweeten with stevia.

If you drink it in the evening, a little before going to bed, you will multiply their effects, because the purifying function of the liver is more active during the night.

Images by vanessayavonne, miriamwilcox and Chris Campbell

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