Dehydrated Fruits To Strengthen Your Bones

From menopause, women start to lose bone mass, with all the risks that this entails.

Dehydrated fruit is a delicious and healthy way to energize you and take care of your health and bones.

Even though they do not contain water, because they are dehydrated, they provide a large amount of minerals and protein, perfect to start the day with a lot of energy.

How to resist them? They are an ideal option for breakfast, which will help you avoid constipation and strengthen your bones, thanks to their high calcium and zinc content.

Dried fruits are a great option for your health, if you consume them in reasonable amounts.

In this article, we are going to give you some information so that you know how to take advantage of all their benefits.

Do dehydrated fruits make you fat?

This is a question that surely came to your mind.

Indeed, many people avoid consuming dried and dehydrated fruits because they think they contain too much sugar.

While it is certain that they contain a high dose of this substance (such as raisins in particular), the dehydration process has made it possible to make them real concentrates of nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, which we do not need. not exclude from our diet.

To better understand the benefits of these fruits, consider the following information:

  • Dehydrated foods contain a large amount of nutrients, and provide us with 4 times more energy than fresh fruit.
  • Dried fruits are much better assimilated by our body, and are very satiating.
    So you will need to eat less fruit to get the same feeling of fullness.
  • Many people include dehydrated fruits in their weight loss diet  because it helps ease bowel movements and aid digestion.
    With only 100 grams of dried fruit per day, you will avoid snacking between meals while having great energy.
  • To benefit from all the contributions of dried fruits, they must be consumed in moderation: 100 grams per day maximum.
    In this way, you will get basic nutrients for your body and for your bones, which will help you fight chronic fatigue.

The benefits of dried fruit for our bones

Not long ago, we explained to you in one of our articles, the benefits of dried figs to treat osteoporosis.

You should take this information seriously, especially if you are a woman, because you know that the female gender is more susceptible to loss of bone mass with age, and especially after menopause.

Dehydrated fruits are healthy allies that you can start to include in your diet more regularly, whether you choose prunes, dates, raspberries, or apricots. They are all delicious!

Plus, they’re a great option for breakfast.

You can also add them to your stews and meat dishes.

Do you want to know what dried fruit can do for you?

  • They are a natural source of calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc. A real concentrate of benefits for your bones and to fight osteoporosis.
  • They are used to prevent certain degenerative diseases thanks to their high content of vitamin E, vitamin C and antioxidants.
  • They improve digestion, take care of our intestines and thus prevent the accumulation of toxins, or any other harmful element in our body.
  • Dried fruit is a natural source of potassium and B-complex vitamins, ideal for our bones.

Other properties

  • Since they do not contain sodium,  and they are rich in micronutrients, they allow us to reduce high blood pressure.  
  • Dehydrated fruits are high in good fats, such as omega 3 and 6. 
  • They are ideal for fighting anxiety and compulsive cravings.
  • Thanks to their exceptional nutrients, they enter the composition of the menus of many athletes, who use them for energy and better physical performance.
  • Dehydrated fruits are capsules of energy and optimism, ideal for all women who are entering the menopause phase , and who feel very tired, even hopeless.
    It is also during this period that the loss of bone mass is the most important.
    It is therefore advisable to consume 100 grams of dried figs during menopause, because it is the dehydrated fruit that contains the most calcium.

The best dehydrated fruits

As we told you before, the correct amount of dried fruit that you should consume is 100 grams per day.

That’s about a good handful of fruit. You can vary the fruits according to your taste or your needs.

Feel free to use them as a delicious snack, which you can enjoy between meals, or as a way to give your dishes an exotic flavor.

Dehydrated fruits are a natural remedy for snacking, which will provide you with many medicinal properties.

Remember to always consume them in moderation to get all their benefits.

Take note of the best options available to you.

1. Dehydrated figs

Dried figs strengthen bones and are excellent laxatives. 

You can eat them for breakfast, accompanying them with a walnut and a few almonds.

You will then get a delicious cocktail of energy, calcium and magnesium.

2. Prunes

These are the highest fiber dried fruits. They are extremely effective in fighting constipation. They contain a high content of iron and B-complex vitamins.

3. Dried dates

your bones

They are ideal for increasing your ability to concentrate and your mental agility.

In addition to this, dates are rich in magnesium and calcium, which makes them very useful for getting a good restful sleep.

Eat 5 dates half an hour before going to bed, and you will see this effect for yourself!

4. Dehydrated cranberries

Dehydrated cranberries are the best fruits for regulating bad cholesterol levels, improving heart health, and filling up with antioxidants.

Do you know how to consume them? Mix them with natural yogurt without added sugars. A real treat!

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