Definitely Calm Your Cough!

Did you know that there are recipes you can make at home to cure coughs? Read this article to discover the three remedies that will help you speed up its disappearance.

Cough is a disorder that has always existed. This is a symptom that can indicate the presence of various conditions like influenza, allergies, colds, lung ailments and many more. How to permanently calm a cough?

Likewise, coughing is one of the mechanisms the body uses to suddenly expel harmful substances from the airways. Usually the cough is too troublesome and causes general discomfort which can make a person’s health worse!

How to calm a cough for good?

To treat coughs, it is often very helpful to use natural, do-it-yourself recipes. Without having to spend a lot of money or a lot of energy. In this case, pay attention to how to prepare the remedies that we tell you here:

1. Onion

Onion to permanently calm the cough.

The remedy made with onion is one of the most effective in combating coughs. The disinfectant, cough suppressant and expectorant power of onion helps relieve many diseases. In addition, its enzymes promote the uptake of oxygen in the cells and thus contribute to the proper functioning of respiration.

It is rich in trace elements and minerals such as magnesium, calcium, chlorine, phosphorus, iron, iodine , potassium, sulfur, zinc, etc. It also contains a good amount of vitamins A, B, C and E.

In this case, we’re going to show you two ways to prepare onion so that it can serve as a natural remedy!

How to do it ?

First formula:

The process is simple, but it takes a little time. This involves peeling the onion and cutting it into small pieces. Then put it in a container and add the juice of one lemon and a little honey. When you have mixed the ingredients, let them sit for approximately 6 hours.

Once the time has elapsed, you can take 3 tablespoons of the juice that has settled. Take it three times a day and for a longer period of time as your symptoms improve.

Second formula:

Cut the onion into rings and then put them on a plate. Then place this plate on your nightstand. It’s the only thing to do! You will probably feel that your cough is lessening while you sleep and that you can get better rest.

2. Garlic to permanently calm coughs

Garlic to permanently calm coughs

Like onion, garlic has many properties that help treat respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular and epidermal diseases. It acts as a good germicide. It also has a strong disinfectant and purifying action. With garlic, in general healing is assured!

How to use it?

The goal is to prepare a garlic syrup. You will therefore need several cloves of garlic that you will mix with thyme and olive oil. You will know this mixture is ready when it has thickened enough and has a good consistency. We recommend that you take a tablespoonful every day on an empty stomach. This is how it will have more effect on you.

3. An expectorant juice

You will surely prefer this remedy to others, because it will fill your senses with its taste and smell. Here we are going to unite the healing properties of grapes with those of celery. The grapes  for its intake of vitamins and antioxidants, as well as its ability vasodilator, is an essential ingredient to relieve cough. In addition, it is an effective way to detoxify the body.

For its part, celery with relaxing properties dilates the vessels and facilitates blood circulation. It also acts as a powerful regulator of bodily fluids by allowing excess to be eliminated.

How to proceed ?

You are going to prepare a curative expectorant juice for which you will need a small bunch of grapes, a few stalks of celery and an optional amount of water. Mix the ingredients well to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Take this juice in the evening and if possible, avoid going out.

Are these recipes effective?

Generally, these natural homemade recipes are very effective in calming coughs permanently. But their results will largely depend on you. Try to consume citrus fruits and hydrate yourself enough. On the other hand, avoid going out when the nights are cool and wrap up well.

A quick note: if the cough persists or gets stronger, see a doctor. Take good care of yourself !

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