Coffee, Laughter And Friends: What More Could You Ask For?

Beyond the benefits of this drink in itself, the ritual of drinking coffee with our friends helps us to free ourselves, to de-stress us and to accumulate positive experiences.

There are very few times as rewarding and enjoyable as the times we spend with our friends over a good cup of coffee or tea.

All of our problems instantly become lighter.

Undeniably, having a cup of coffee or tea with loved ones remains deeply rooted in our culture.

It’s a moment that allows us to sort through our emotions and re-energize our brain.

If you have never thought about the benefits of such a tradition, we will explain everything about it in the rest of this article. We invite you to never stop combining these three elements in one and the same moment: coffee, laughter and friends.

The social component of coffee

Coffee is a stimulating drink that mankind has consumed for centuries. Its magical power forms part of our daily lives and we should never give up all the benefits it brings us.

In our articles, we often tell you about all its virtues for our health: it improves our cognitive abilities, it allows us to wake up better in the morning, it gives us energy and allows us to take care of our liver health.

However, chances are you haven’t quite discovered the social component of this black drink that we adore so much yet. We will tell you all about it.

illustrations - friends and coffee

A hot drink and good company

Let us take a concrete example. You’ve just finished your working day and you can’t say it was particularly good.

The stress, concerns, and anxieties you experience cause excess production of cortisol, norepinephrine, and norepinephrine in your blood. These alter the basic functions of your body.

  • Your heart is beating too fast, you experience stomach aches and fatigue, as well as severe mental exhaustion. Before you go home, one of your friends calls you to go for a coffee at your favorite place.
  • You order a coffee, then you start having a light chat. Any hot drink has a calming effect on our body. It’s great for relaxing our nerves, regulating our breathing, and relieving our headaches.
  • Coffee, like tea, has stimuli that are not aggressive to our heart.
    Its catalytic effect allows us to communicate better with others. In this way, and almost without realizing it, we begin to talk about our concerns and problems.
  • Hot drinks generally relax our muscles. Coffee, thanks to the caffeine it contains, also allows us to open our minds. We are then more able to communicate and be receptive to positive emotions.
  • When the first laughs appear during your break with your friend, the endorphins begin to take effect. You will feel better and put all your problems into perspective.

Coffee and friends: a good way to be more “present”

We live in a fast-paced world, where we have to constantly give more of ourselves. We are more focused on what we have to do in an hour or tomorrow, than on what we are going through in the present.

The coffee ritual is a therapeutic exercise that allows us to be more “present”. Nothing else matters: we enjoy a good conversation, the company of our loved ones and we share laughter.

This is an important aspect to take into account.

illustration of three female friends having coffee

The power of emotional anchors

This information is interesting. Emotional anchors are occasional moments that our brain catalogs as positive and enriching, and that it will keep in mind.

It is these memories of lived experiences that will come to our aid during our difficult times.

  • Let’s take another example. We just had a wonderful time with our friends over a good cup of coffee. All subjects were discussed: laughter, crying and good advice.
  • All these moments leave a mark in our mind, thus even creating anchors. These are times we can dive back into when things are going a lot worse.
  • We just have to remember these tips, these moments that we want to relive. It is in them that the simplest, the most enriching and the most useful happiness can be found.

The good times are stronger than the bad

Even if we sometimes have the impression to the contrary, the fact of “storing” the good times makes it possible to fight the bad ones.

Our brain prefers to integrate positive aspects rather than negative moments. Indeed, they will help us to better adapt to reality and to move forward more effectively.

  • Bad experiences leave us speechless and cripple us. This is why it is strongly recommended to accept any form of failure, defeat or error. We must accept to continue to move forward avoiding that a gray cloud obscures our life for too long.
  • Just taking a moment to get together with our friends over a good cup of coffee, while discussing anything and everything, is one of the best exercises to open our minds and soothe our hearts.

All these moments will remain engraved in our mind as positive experiences, which will allow us, in our darkest days, to find a positive state of mind and to fill us again with energy.

Now tell us: did you take the time to have a coffee with your friends today?

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