Benefits Of Honey: Honey Is The Best Natural Antibiotic

Although it could end up replacing traditional antibiotics, since it does not trigger any side effects, it is not recommended for patients who are suffering diabetes or pollen allergies, as well as children.

On many occasions, we have told you about all the benefits of honey on our health and we have offered you some recipes to make the most of its properties for our beauty.

In this article, we want to refresh the topic a bit. We present to you a very recent study in which scientists have succeeded in demonstrating that honey is the best natural antibiotic.

It is even more effective than some conventional antibiotics, used in the treatment of certain infections.

How can we say that honey is the best natural antibiotic?

Honey contains 13 different bacteria derived from lactic acid.

It was Tobias Olofsson, professor at Lund University and author of the study published in the “International Wound Journal”, who revealed it.

To reach this conclusion, the investigators treated 42 pathogens present in the wounds of 22 patients, thanks to the 13 lactic acid bacteria (BAL) in honey.  They obtained results comparable to those produced by conventional antibiotics.

The study also looked at the benefits of honey on the wounds of some horses that failed to heal, and they had positive results.

However, Professor Olofsson cautions that to achieve these effects,  honey must be as fresh as possible, and completely pure. He specifies that supermarket honeys do not contain live lactic acid bacteria. This takes away a lot of their health benefits.

Either way, scientists believe they’ve made a major breakthrough for medicine. Because honey could become  an alternative treatment to conventional antibiotics which, as we all know, have unwanted side effects.

What are the other properties of honey?

In addition to the 13 lactic acid bacteria, honey is a food full of probiotics and antioxidants. It is rich in vitamin A, vitamin B2, B3 and B5 and vitamin C. It contains essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, iodine and zinc.

Taking into account all the benefits of honey, it has been used for centuries as an antibiotic for:

  • Fight harmful organisms like salmonella.  It also helps to contribute to better digestion of food.
  • Strengthen the immune system  and fight infections of the respiratory tract, such as the flu or colds.
  • Treat wounds, prevent infections and improve the healing process.
  • Honey is also used in skin care.  Because it helps prevent certain infections and eliminates bacteria that can harm the aesthetic appearance.

Other important information about honey

  • Consumption of honey is not recommended for people who have diabetes. Because in a very short time honey can provide a large amount of sugar. Which can negatively affect the patient. So, it should be consumed in moderation.
  • Honey is not good for children under a year old  because their gut does not yet have the capacity to digest it.
  • People who are allergic to pollen can also be allergic to honey.
  • 100 milliliters of honey provide 325 calories. It is therefore recommended to consume honey in the morning, or before performing a significant physical effort.

How to use the benefits of honey for therapeutic purposes?

How to use the health benefits of honey for therapeutic purposes

  • In the case of wounds or burns, apply the honey directly to the affected area. The ideal is then to cover it with a cloth. Repeat the treatment 3 times a day.
  • Breastfeeding women can apply some honey to their nipples after breastfeeding. This prevents and relieves minor ailments caused by infections.
  • In the case of skin irritation, honey can be used as a basis for a massage.
  • Internally disinfect your body. Mix one to two spoonfuls of honey in a glass of lukewarm water, with lemon juice.
  • To avoid heartburn, mix a spoonful of honey with two spoonfuls of apple cider vinegar, in a glass of water. Then drink it all.
  • To fight respiratory infections, as well as throat problems, flu and colds, it is ideal to mix honey with lemon or orange juice. This is prepared like a hot drink, and is drunk just before going to bed.

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