Anyone Who Loves You Offers You Calm And Security, Never Deceptions

A person who loves you knows how you are and does not try to change you, because he accepts you with your flaws and your qualities, and supports you in each of your endeavors.

Anyone who loves you makes you laugh, brings you happiness, and offers you security where your fears, worries, or sorrows are.

We know that it’s not always easy to find an emotionally mature person. Someone who brings us that authentic security where deceptions or half-hidden truths have no place.

But, there is something we need to know right from the start. We have to offer the same that we demand of others and be very firm in what we deserve.

Affective relationships are complex, without a doubt.

They require a great personal investment. From the will to flourish. And an ability to offer dignity and happiness to the loved one, while never forgetting to take care of yourself.

These relationships characterized by happiness are also those in which we feel calm. A magical and exceptional dimension which offers us great well-being and satisfaction.

We suggest that you think about this with us.

Whoever loves you knows how to listen to you

Hearing and listening do not mean the same thing. In love, we need, above all, to be listened to and understood.

We need that close intimacy through which we feel that what we think and express is understood.

  • Know that in any relationship, there is no need to agree on everything. What is needed is to be understood and to be able to come to an agreement.
  • You also need to know how to “communicate”. And above all, having the ability to convey the knot of our emotions in words.

It is common, for example, to contain anger and silently annoying facts. We then wait for the other person to “guess or feel them almost by magic”.

We must learn to say what bothers us and worries us when it bothers us and worries us. And not when it’s too late.

Whoever loves you will give you confidence, not uncertaintiesWhoever loves you

We all deserve full love, not half a relationship and with clauses like “Today I love you, tomorrow I am thinking and the day after tomorrow you have to do this so that I can show you something. ‘affection.”

  • No one deserves a love based on uncertainty, on blackmail or on the fear that at the slightest gust of wind, the other person will disappear.
  • No solid, mature relationship is built on quicksand.

Mature love is built on this calm where one does not need to fear anything, where the fear or the doubt of being loved tomorrow or of deserving the respect of the other does not. do not exist.

Who loves you supports you

On this site, we often tell you about the need to be able to chart your own destiny. To have self-esteem and self-confidence to chart your own path and to make decisions without considering the opinions of others.

  • Now when you have a relationship, you have a firm commitment in which we invest every day. In which we trust and that we value.
  • In any emotional relationship, we need to feel supported.
    What our partner thinks is important to us. And any criticism or devaluation of our goals, desires or hobbies is experienced very painfully.

You have to know that to love someone is to know how to respect and give birth to the personal projects of the other person. It is a way to enrich the relationship and give wings to the personal growth of the couple.

Who loves you will not feed you deceit

Whoever cheats on you, betrays you or offers you lies with the shovel on a daily basis offers you a fragile and obsolete love. You don’t deserve it, you don’t need it, and it doesn’t give you the dignity that characterizes you.

  • So, you have to know that who is capable of lying to someone whom he loves – supposedly – does not love himself.
    Because whoever loves himself takes care of himself as a precious good, as a delicate treasure that must be listened to with attention and precaution.
  • If you have forgiven a lie, be careful and find out if they are repeated or not.

It is important not to get used to forgiving everything because otherwise the other person will be entitled to hurt us because we do not know how to set a clear and courageous limit.

Whoever loves you will love you for the way you are, and not force you to changeWhoever loves you

Whoever loves you adores you in each of your nuances, your characteristics, your faults, your forms and your qualities.

  • We must never forget this very simple principle. Because just as no one has the right to demand things that go against our identity and our values, we must not ask the other to be what he is not.
  • Love and demand that you be authentically loved, for who you are, for what defines you and for what you have.

Never fall for false appearances just to please, because the only thing you will get in this case is loss of your self-esteem.

Always keep these principles in mind in your personal relationships, because they will be of great help to you.

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