A Molecule Capable Of Fighting Ovarian And Pancreatic Cancer Is About To Be Created

Even if it is still in the experimental phase, this molecule could mark a turning point in the treatment of different types of cancer and stop them from advancing.

The Faculty of Medicine at Stanford University in the United States has developed a molecule that, in a matter of months, could become one of the best allies in the fight against ovarian and pancreatic cancer.

For now, research is at the experimental level. Today, the results obtained with mice are very positive. The molecule works and gives hope. It not only paralyzes the advance of cancer, but it even reverses the trend.

The study has been published in several media and scientists are very positive about the results of this work. They hope that thanks to him, in the near future, we can give an answer to these so serious diseases.

We explain everything in the rest of this article.

A baseball glove to fight ovarian and pancreatic cancer.

It’s called the baseball glove molecule because of its shape and the way it works. It is used as bait to catch cancer cells. And then to put them aside, as if they were out of play . An action very similar to that of baseball.

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Amato Giaccia is the director of this important study, which tries to find new practical approaches to fight ovarian and pancreatic cancer.

These two diseases have several aspects in common. This is why research work was carried out. In order to develop an approach that can be applied to these types of cancers.

  • Both diseases are not easily detectable in the early stages, and often progress rapidly.
  • When a tumor is detected in an ovary or pancreas, surgery is done to remove that area.
  • Later, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are added to the procedure.
  • The treatments are generally very aggressive. The patient is more fragile and it is common for the risk of relapse to increase.

Now let’s see how this unique molecule that claims to bring about a change works.

The molecule that puts cancer cells out of the game

Doctor Amato Giaccia

Work to fight cancer of the ovaries or the pancreas, as we have previously reported, is progressing very quickly. When the patient is diagnosed, the tumor may have already spread to other organs.

  • Metastasis is a workhorse that turns into a fierce challenge for researchers, and classic angst for the person and their family.
  • Until now, most medical approaches sought to stop this advance in order to guarantee a better quality of life for the patient.
  • But Dr. Amato Giaccia and his team have developed a molecule that manages not only to stop the advance of cancer, but also to reverse it.

The molecule acts as a bait. What it does is bind to a specific gene 6 protein with which it stops the growth of tumors and destroys them.

  • It does this when it stops the function of the tyrosine kinase receptor Axl. It is essential for the survival and proliferation of cancer cells.
  • This molecule or “baseball glove” can be inoculated into the patient. And for example be part of chemotherapy treatment and thus obtain a more effective action.

In this way, the tumor areas are reduced and the disease recedes.

Hopes for the future

This work, as we have pointed out, is still at the experimental level and the results obtained only come from animal models.

It therefore remains to take this famous leap towards human patients who are waiting for an answer as soon as possible.

For the moment, this molecule, which is called “MYD1-72” would allow the following phenomena:

  • Offer a less aggressive complementary therapy. The kidneys and the defenses of the patients will not be affected as much by the treatment of this molecule.
  • In animals, the success rate is 95% in early stage diseases.
  • In cases where the metastasis is very advanced, the success of the treatment is 51%.
    But in these more serious cases, it would be necessary to opt for the combination of chemotherapy to reduce the tumor burden.

Clinical trials in humans will begin very shortly. The hopes are, without a doubt, very positive. Those responsible for this work therefore plan to develop new molecules to treat other types of cancer.

We will therefore keep you informed of new developments.

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