A Delicious Ginger And Almond Smoothie To Lighten The Spots On The Skin

Even if thanks to the properties of its ingredients this ginger smoothie can help us fight skin spots from the inside, we must also supplement it with external care in order to obtain the best results.

Day after day, the skin is exposed to a wide variety of environmental factors that can cause blemishes, damage and various types of disease.

These directly interfere with cell regeneration and the processes responsible for keeping it firm, elastic and healthy.

Spots are very common conditions and, although they do not affect health per se, they are considered to be a cosmetic problem that can come to affect self-esteem.

They appear to be the cause of continuous exposure to UV rays from the sun and the negative effect of volatile compounds from pollution.

Fortunately, there are many ways to reduce their appearance, while improving the quality of the skin and its ability to regenerate.

Among the two options we find a 100% natural drink whose nutritional properties act in addition to the treatment of these alterations.

While this is not a miracle product, adding it to the diet can help achieve better results in less time.

Take note !

A ginger and almond smoothie to lighten skin spots

Ginger and almond smoothie.

Ginger Almond Smoothie is a natural drink that has become popular around the world for its multiple benefits for the health and appearance of the skin.

It is prepared with organic ingredients whose nutritional composition directly promotes the epidermis, stimulating the processes responsible for restoring it.

It contains fiber, vitamin B6 and potassium, which in addition to protecting the skin, have many benefits for bone, kidney and cardiovascular health.

Although its main ingredients are ginger and almond butter, it should be mentioned that it also contains bananas and hemp seeds, two foods full of nutrients and good for you.

Its anti-inflammatory properties help fight water retention and associated skin disorders.

Ginger and banana smoothie.

It has antiseptic and antioxidant properties that keep the skin clear, without premature wrinkles or spots.

In addition, these ingredients stimulate the activity of skin cells. And protect them against damage caused by free radicals in the environment.

This is because they provide significant amounts of vitamin E and essential fatty acids, two types of substances that help maintain moisture, elasticity, and good melanin levels.

How to prepare this ginger and almond smoothie?

Preparation of the ginger smoothie.

The preparation of this natural smoothie is quite simple. It doesn’t require any expensive or hard-to-find ingredients on the market.

Although it provides a significant amount of calories compared to other drinks, it is a healthy alternative to quench hunger while providing benefits to the skin.

Its ingredients are energetic and loaded with nutrients. For this we recommend its consumption in those moments when you need a “recharge” of energy.

On the other hand it is important to point out that its simple consumption does not eliminate the tasks. And that it is necessary to take other internal and external measures.

But it is a very interesting supplement with which you can strengthen the care of your skin.


  •  2 bananas
  • 1 piece of grated ginger
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of organic almond butter (20 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of hemp seeds


  • Freeze two bananas so that the smoothie has a creamy and smooth consistency.
  • When they are ready, remove the skin, cut them into pieces and put them in the blender.
  • Add a piece of fresh ginger, preferably grated.
  • Incorporate the two cups and mix for a few moments.
  • Then, lower the intensity of the device and add the organic almond butter and the hemp seeds.
  • Continue to mix until you get a smooth drink without lumps.
  • Serve it with a few ice cubes in the morning or afternoon.
  • Drink it at least three times a week.
  • Avoid excessive consumption, as it is not good to exceed the recommended amount of calories.

Remember that for the best results you need to drink it regularly. By keeping the habits necessary to fight stains and skin alterations.

Use sunscreen every day. Improve your eating habits and find a cream or a mask to work from the outside.

Be consistent with all of these recommendations and you will find that it is not impossible to reduce those spots that annoy you.

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