6 Exercises To Effectively Fight Against Cellulite

In addition to practicing these exercises regularly, adapting them to our possibilities, we must maintain a healthy and balanced diet, and consume a lot of water to promote l elimination of toxins.

Cellulite is small deposits of fat that form on the legs, buttocks, abdomen, and other visible parts of the body. As we know that many women seek to minimize this condition, here we want to share the 6 best exercises to effectively fight cellulite.

It is considered to be one of the great aesthetic nightmares of all women. Because both the thin and the strongest suffer to a greater or lesser extent.

It is not really a disease, in fact, it does not directly affect health. But most of the women try to fight it to have prettier skin. 

And even though 90% of the female population suffers from it, it has always been seen as a beauty problem that requires a solution. Fortunately, a good diet and continued exercise has been shown to alleviate these dimples so the skin looks tighter and firmer.

Even if its effects are not immediately visible, it is worth incorporating them into the beauty program to obtain its benefits. Motivate yourself to practice them!

1. Inflections

exercises to fight effectively against cellulite: flexions

Considered one of the best exercises to effectively fight cellulite and firm and tone the legs, curls have become a must-have activity for those who want to practice crossfit and other types of training.

It focuses on strengthening the thighs and buttocks, but also helps burn calories and reduce flaccidity.

How to do ?

  • The level of difficulty varies depending on the posture and the weight you want to use.
  • To begin with, we can do it the traditional way, by bending the knees and lowering the buttocks as we were about to sit down.
  • After gaining in resistance, they can be done with jumps, a bar or weights.

2. Scissors

Scissors are exercises that effectively fight cellulite because they also tone the buttocks and legs.

They focus on the work of the quadriceps, hamstrings and buttocks, and they therefore help to strengthen and gain firmness. 

How to do them?

  • Stand with your back straight, put the right foot in front and the left foot behind.
  • Support yourself on the hind foot and bend the front leg until it forms a 90 ° C angle.
  • Make sure the knee is not past the tip of the foot to avoid injury.
  • Keep your chest straight, tense your abdominal muscles, and try to stay that way for 5 seconds.
  • Return to the starting position and do 10 to 15 repetitions.

3. The step

exercises to fight effectively against cellulite: the step

The step or the exercises on the stairs are useful to increase the resistance of the legs and tone the buttocks. 

How to do them?

  • Stand on a step or small bench, with your heels hanging over the edge.
  • Gently stand up on your tiptoes and slowly return to the starting position.
  • Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

4. The abdominals

Since we know that cellulite can be noticed on the stomach as well, it is good to include some abdominal exercises in the routine. 

How to do them?

  • Lie down on a yoga mat, put your feet on the floor and bend your knees.
  • Put your hands on the back of the neck, contract the abdomen and rise slowly, without straining the back.
  • Slowly descend, breathe, and do 20 repetitions.

5. Stretching and balance

stretching and balance to effectively fight cellulite

This activity consists of maintaining the balance of the body while performing stretches in the legs. The body is supported by the palms of the hands and one of the tips of the feet, and does not require resistance.

Since it tones the buttocks and legs, it is an excellent alternative to effectively fight against cellulite in these areas. 

How to do ?

  • On your stomach, on a mat, lean on the floor with the palms of your hands and tiptoes.
  • Then, without bending the knee, lift one of the legs until it is parallel to the floor.
  • Stay like this for three seconds, slowly descend and repeat 15 or 20 times with each leg.
  • As soon as you lift your leg, concentrate your efforts on the buttocks and contract the abdomen.

6. Leg lift with resistance band

For this exercise, it is necessary to use an elastic resistance band because it is fundamental to achieve the correct posture and exert more force.

How to do ?

  • Lie on your right side with your legs straight and put the resistance band around your ankles.
  • Put the left leg on top of the right leg and lift it up as much as you can.
  • Concentrate on keeping the leg straight without bending the knee, stay five seconds and slowly descend.
  • Repeat on each side 15 or 20 times.

Ready for this challenge? Adopt a daily program with these exercises and discover how to fight effectively against cellulite in a few weeks. 

Know that it is necessary to supplement this with a healthy diet rich in water, because it is also necessary to stimulate the elimination of toxins retained in the body.

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