Acrylamide In Food: Risks And Solutions

Acrylamide is a carcinogenic substance, consumption of which should be avoided. The best way to do this is to use low-heat cooking methods, remove grilled parts from foods, and reduce the consumption of processed and baked goods.

Acrylamide is a carcinogenic substance that is formed in products containing starch and which are subjected to cooking processes at high temperatures, above 120 degrees. This substance in foods is formed from sugars and amino acids in a process called the Maillard reaction.

What are the risks ?

Acrylamide is distributed in all organs. Oral exposure  increases the likelihood of developing genetic mutations and tumors. In addition, it can cause harmful effects in the nervous system and in the development of the fetus.

A “tolerable dose” cannot be established  because any exposure to this substance could generate DNA damage and therefore increase the risk of tumors.

Acrylamide, a carcinogen

As we said, acrylamide is a carcinogen. This is shown by a study published in the International Journal of Cancer. Despite this,  it is a substance that cannot be removed since starch cannot be removed from food. Therefore, the main thing is to eat a varied diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Thus, the contribution of antioxidants and their anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory effect dampens the harmful effects of acrylamide.

Either way,  consuming this substance does not mean that you will develop cancer in the future. It is simply a poisonous substance that increases the chances of cancer. Knowing that this disease is complex and multifactorial.

In which foods is acrylamide found the most?

A bowl of fries.

French fries and crisps are the main source of acrylamide ingestion. However, coffee, white bread, and cakes are foods that have a high risk of containing this substance. We also often find it in breakfast cereals as well as in confectionery or pastries. Even baby food can be a potential source of this substance. This is according to research published in the journal Food Additives & Contaminants .

One way to identify foods that may contain this substance in large amounts is to observe their coloring. Brown colors due to roasting indicate a potential danger from high acrylamide concentrations. A fairly telling example is toasted sandwich bread, from which it is important to remove the darker parts.

And apart from food?

We also find acrylamide in tobacco. This is dangerous for the smokers themselves as well as for those who accompany them and who breathe the smoke.

Possible solutions

The first effective way to reduce or avoid the consumption of acrylamide in food is to pay attention to cooking methods. The main strategy is to avoid frying the food. Therefore, the oven, grill and steam are cooking methods suitable for making recipes without the risk of ingesting this substance.

However, when cooking food,  it is important not to exceed 180-200 degrees. In addition, it is a good idea to turn food every 10 minutes to prevent it from over-broiling.

It is also essential to avoid the consumption of burnt or overly grilled foods. It has actually been shown that they are likely to contain this substance. Another effective strategy is to soak the potatoes before cooking to remove some of the starch. Washing the rice is also a great option.

Regarding coffee, it is preferable to choose natural varieties that are not very roasted. The coffee which is the most loaded with acrylamide is soluble coffee. The concentration can also vary depending on the variety and origin of the coffee, as well as its filtering. Acrylamide is a water soluble molecule. Therefore, any coffee filtration process significantly reduces its acrylamide content.

Coffee beans.

Regarding oils, to avoid the formation of acrylamide,  it is interesting to use virgin olive oil rather than other vegetable oils. Indeed, it is more resistant to temperature and to successive cooking. She is therefore less likely to develop this toxic substance.

However,  over-frying foods that can become broiled or brown is not recommended. In addition, it is essential to know that the cold stimulates this substance. Therefore, foods high in starch, such as potatoes and French fries, should not be stored in the refrigerator.

Watch out for acrylamide in foods

Acrylamide in food is a carcinogen that should be avoided. The best way to do this is to use low-heat cooking methods, remove grilled parts from foods, and reduce the consumption of processed and baked goods.

Finally, to counter the effects of acrylamide, it is essential to optimize the intake of antioxidants. These effectively block the production of free radicals and prevent the risk of developing pathologies such as cancer.

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