6 Natural Ways To Reduce Puffiness Under The Eyes

Bags under the eyes frequently appear as the skin ages. They occur because of the weakened tissues and muscles around the eyes which begin to swell and sag.

Moreover, they can also appear early. In this case their origin may be the product of a hormonal imbalance, an accumulation of fluids or problems related to blood circulation.

Although bags under the eyes are considered a simple beauty problem, most people prefer to prevent and treat them to avoid the tired look they give to the face.

Fortunately, there are habits and treatments now known that can help reduce bags under the eyes without the need for cosmetic intervention.

As such, we will see in this article some of the causes associated with the appearance of bags under the eyes and several natural methods to achieve their reduction.

Causes of bags under the eyes

Bags under the eyes can occur during the biological process of skin aging. The tissue and muscle structures that hold the eyelids together weaken and the skin tends to become saggy.

This area can also be affected by factors such as:

  • Water retention
  • Hormonal changes
  • Not getting enough sleep
  • Allergies or dermatitis
  • Family history

Symptoms of bags under the eyes

Significant inflammation below the eyes is the main sign of bags under the eyes. However, sometimes the swelling is accompanied by:

  • Flabby and loose skin
  • Dark circles (dark circles)
  • Eyes that look tired or irritated

Natural methods to treat bags under the eyes

Currently, there are many masks and lotions for external use that are intended to nourish the skin to reduce the appearance of bags under the eyes.

However, in general, it is important to consider other methods and habits that help supplement their effects.

1. Limit salt intake

Reduce salt to treat bags under the eyes.

Excessive salt intake can influence water retention which leads to the formation of bags under the eyes.

It is very important to avoid adding them to homemade foods and to limit the consumption of food products that contain them in large amounts, such as:

  • Delicatessen
  • Mature cheeses
  • Canned dishes
  • Bakery products
  • Fried and sous vide foods

2. Sleep well

A good quality of sleep makes it possible to avoid this tired aspect which the eyes acquire due to the presence of bags which occur in their outline.

  • Sleeping between 7 and 8 hours a day without interruption ensures good oxygenation of the skin to have a fresh and youthful appearance.
  • We recommend that you sleep with your head elevated from the rest of the body, as this allows for better circulation and prevents fluids from building up in this area.

3. Increase water consumption

Increase water intake to reduce bags under the eyes.

Low water intake reduces the body’s ability to flush retained fluids and also affects circulation and skin health.

It is important to drink between 6 and 8 glasses of water or healthy drinks during the day.

4. Wash your face with cold water

Washing your face with cold water is a good therapy to reactivate the blood circulation in the area around the eyes.

This simple method decreases the appearance of puffiness and dark circles and leaves skin hydrated and fresher for longer.

In addition, it should be remembered that hot water reduces the natural oils of the skin, which increases its weakening and flaccidity.

5. Apply sliced ​​potatoes

Sliced ​​potatoes to reduce bags under the eyes.

Potato contains anti-inflammatory compounds that help reduce the size of bags under the eyes. Its direct application refreshes the skin and provides a soothing effect that reduces the feeling of fatigue.

  • Cool several slices of raw potatoes in the freezer and, once frozen, apply them to closed eyes for 5 or 10 minutes.

6. Use a cold spoon

A simple spoon can become the best tool to make the eyes look rejuvenated and fresh.

The spoon will help you massage the area by activating the circulation. This simple gesture will tighten the skin to prevent it from falling.

  • Place several spoons in the freezer and, when frozen, place them over your closed eyes.
  • Massage the area of ​​the bags under the eyes until the spoon is no longer cold.
  • Try to perform this treatment for 5 or 10 minutes for best results.

Bags under your eyes make you look tired? Take into account the advice given and deflate it to make your skin more rejuvenated and fresh.

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